Relief Crochet Jacket With Bag

Sizes: S (M), L
You'll need:
500 (550) 600 g of Arcadia turquoise yarn (70% cotton, 24% polyamid, 6% polyester, 110m/50g);
Crochet hook 5;
5 silver buttons (2,3 cm diameter) and 1 silver button for a bag (3 cm diameter);
Chain for the bag.
Main Pattern
The quantity of sts is multipled 6 + 1. Crochet due to the scheme 1. Start with sts before pattern, repeat sts of the pattern, finish with sts after the pattern. Make once from 1st to 11th rows, then repeat from 8th to 11th rows. The pattern starts with 1 wrong side row.
Stitches control: main pattern, 1st - 6th rows: 17,5 set-up sts and 5 rows = 10 x 5 cm; from 7th row: 16,5 set-up sts and 6,5 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Note: Jacket is made as whole sheet to the start of arm holes.
Back and Front
Make a chain of 169 (187) 205 chain sts + 2 chain sts increase and crochet with the main pattern = 27 (30) 33 pattern repeats plus start and final sts. Start and final sts are designed for 1/2 pattern accordingly. For arm holes in 40,5 (38,5) 37 cm from the set-up continue crochetting back on cetral 44 cm = 11 patterns + 1/2 pattern from both sides (48 cm = 12 patterns + 1/2 pattern from both sides) 52 cm = 13 patterns + 1/2 pattern from both sides, pay attantion to the symmetry. In 59 cm from the set-up edge finish your work. Then return left front sts to work and continue crochetting,in 43,5 cm from the set-up row, start making chamfer for the neck hole from left side. To make this, starting with 31st row from the set-up edge, make a chamfer for the neck hole due to the scheme 2 and finish it. On the rest sts of shoulder finish your work on the height of your back. Then make right front in symmetry with left.
Make a chain of 41 (45) 49 chain sts + 2 chain sts increase and crochet with the main pattern, in 6th row slip 3 instead of 5 half-crochets between the groups of double crochets, and before first and last groups of double crochets slip 1 instead of 2 half-crochets = 9 (10) 11 patterns + start and final sts. In 47 cm from the set-up edge finish your work.
Make shoulder and sleeve seams, inseam the sleeves. For the plackets of fastener and neck hole, fasten the edges of fronts and neck holes with 5 rows of the main pattern - 1st - 5th rows, scheme 1. For rounding the neck hole, crochet 1 x 2 half-crochets together in 1st, 3rd and 5th rows near the shoulder seam. Make in the right front placket 5 holes for buttons in the 3rd row (instead of 2 half-crochets make 2 chain sts). Make 1 hole 2 cm higher then lower edge, others with 9 cm intervals. Sew the buttons.
Make a chain of 37 chain sts + 2 chain sts increase and crochet with the main pattern, make once 1st - 5th rows, then repeat 4th and 5th rows. In 57 cm from set-up edge, finish your work. Fasten your work along the fringe with 1 circle row of single crochets, in the middle of upper edge make 1 loop for the button. To make this, turn down lower 20 cm right side inside between 2 central single crochets, make side seams. Turn over your bag, turn down the lapel and sew the button on the front part of your bag. Fasten the chain.
I agree and then there are also tons of add messing with the patterns