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​Organizer for Needles and Hooks

Jun 07, 2020 02:18 AM
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks
​Organizer for Needles and Hooks

You’ll need:

The odds of yarn;


Mouline threads;





Pick up a felt for the base measuring about 25 x 25 cm and small pieces for embroidery details. Cut circles of different diameters.

Lay out the circles in the form of an ornament. Then sketch it, remember or take a picture.

Pin up a few elements that need to continue to work, and remove the rest to the side. Then, in the process of creating an ornament, check with your sketch or photograph.

Sew your elements with embroidery thread and decorative stitch according to the composed pattern.

When all the elements are sewn, you can start the execution of the lay-out wool thread.

Spread the thread in the empty spaces between the sewn items.

Cut two rectangles of 11 x 25 cm from felt of a different color and connect to the main part from the inside.

Sew the parts on a sewing machine.

Cut two rectangles from the fabric: 24 x 48 cm and 24 x 13 cm.

Fold the upper slice of the small rectangle. Fold the large part in half and place the small part between the layers. Chop off the slices and lay the stitch, leaving a hole for turning out.

Turn on your face.

Sew the hole with a blind stitch.

Lay lines: one vertical, dividing the part with a pocket in half; and divide one half of the pocket into narrow sectors.

Pin the fabric part to the felt cover.

Center the vertical stitch.

Machine stitch can be decorated with spreading thread.

It remains to make a fastener. For her, use a small piece of felt. Sew sections and loop. Sew the finished part on the back of the cover and the button on the front.

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