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Crochet Floral Phone Case

2024-06-21 11:39:27
Crochet Floral Phone Case

The Crochet Floral Phone Case is a unique and delicate accessory that adds a touch of handmade charm to your mobile device. Made with soft, colorful yarn and intricate crochet stitches, this case features a beautiful floral pattern that wraps around the phone, providing a snug and protective fit. The delicate petals and stems are carefully crafted to ensure a secure hold, while the soft yarn provides a comfortable grip. Whether you're a nature lover or simply appreciate the beauty of crochet, this case is sure to make your phone stand out and add a personal touch to your daily life.

Crochet Floral Phone Case Pattern

Base Case:

Foundation Chain: Chain 16 (or adjust the chain length to match the width of your phone).
Round 1: Single crochet (sc) in the second chain from the hook and in each chain across. Once you reach the end, work 3 sc in the last chain to turn the corner. Continue working sc along the other side of the chain. Work 2 sc in the first chain where you started. Join with a slip stitch (sl st) to the first sc.
Round 2-20: Chain 1, sc in each stitch around. Join with a sl st to the first sc at the end of each round. Continue until the case is long enough to fit your phone.

Center of Flower: With yellow yarn, make a magic ring. Work 6 sc into the ring. Pull tight and join with a sl st. Fasten off.
Petals: Join a new color yarn to any sc. Chain 2, double crochet (dc) in the same stitch, chain 2, sl st in the next sc. Repeat from * to * around to create five petals. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Leaf: With green yarn, chain 7. Sc in the second chain from the hook, half double crochet (hdc) in the next chain, dc in the next 2 chains, hdc in the next chain, sc in the last chain. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Arrange the flowers and leaves on the front of the phone case as desired. Use a yarn needle and matching yarn to sew the flowers and leaves securely onto the case.
Weave in any remaining ends and ensure all pieces are securely attached.

2024-06-21 11:39:27
1 comment
Jun 21, 2024 02:09 PM

I love it 
