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Crochet Floral Open Heart

2024-05-21 07:45:12
Crochet Floral Open Heart

Discover the enchanting world of the Crochet Floral Open Heart, a truly captivating piece that will leave you in awe. This exquisite creation showcases the intricate artistry of crochet, where delicate flowers intertwine to form a stunning heart-shaped design. Each petal and leaf is meticulously crafted, resulting in a masterpiece that exudes elegance and charm. The intricate details of each flower and leaf showcase the skill and dedication of the artist, making this piece a true testament to the art of crochet. Whether displayed as a centerpiece or worn as a statement accessory, the Crochet Floral Open Heart is bound to captivate all who lay eyes upon it.


Ch – chain

Rnd – round

SC- single crochet

Sl St – slip stitch

St (Sts) – stitch (stitches)

TR – treble crochet

YO – yarn over

Skill Level:


Finished Size:

This crochet heart is about 3”


  • Crochet cotton thread size #3 (I used Knit Picks Curio cotton thread #3 ), colors of choice

Hook and other materials:

  • Steel crochet hook 1/2.75 mm
  • Liquid starch
  • Blocking mat
  • Rustproof pins



With Color A, make a magic ring.

Rnd 1. Ch 1, 6 SC into ring, join with Sl St into first SC, cut off Color A. Fasten off.

Rnd 2. Join Color B to first St of Rnd 1, *Ch 4, TR in same St, Ch 3, Sl St in same St, Sl St in next St*, repeat from * to * 5 more times, last Sl St make in same St where you joined Color B. Fasten off. Total – 6 petals.


Join Color C to the top of any petal,

Ch 50, skip 2 petals to the right, join with Sl St to next petal. Do not turn.

Row 1. Continue working back into the chain – Sl St in 1st Ch, SC in each of next 14 Chs, [2 SC in next, SC in next] 7 times,

insert hook in next Ch, YO and draw up the yarn – you have 2 loops on your hook, skip next 2 Chs, insert hook in next Ch, YO and draw up the yarn – you have 3 loops on your hook, YO and draw the yarn through all 3 loops on the hook, slightly pull 2 skipped chains down to create a small inner point,

[SC in next Ch, 2 SC in next] 7 times, SC in next 3, Sl St into the place where you joined. Fasten off and weave in the ends.


The heart MUST be shaped, blocked and stiffened to achieve the desired effect!

Soak the heart with liquid starch. Gently squeeze out any excess liquid. Shape heart with your hands and place it on the blocking mat. Using rustproof pins, pin the heart to shape. Allow to dry completely before removing it.

2024-05-21 07:45:12
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