Baby Girl Knit Dress

This dress is knitted from bottom to top.
Cast on 104 sts + 2 selvedge sts. This is front, back is the same. There are 5 knit sts from each side, they are knitted in garter st, after knit sts make 10 purls (knit this part from wrong side), there are 7 such parts. Between these parts there are 6 relief stripes (their description will be stated below). Knit between edging knit sts, rotating wrong side sts with relief stripe.
Make decreases on the wrong side, orient on the relief stripe: knit 4 patterns and stripes and in the row with yo make on the wrong side purl2tog from both sides. Make decreases 4 times in each stripe of wrong side sts and in each 4th pattern of the relief stripe. There should be 2 purls after all the decreases on the wrong side, make 7 patterns without any changes.
Knit 14-16 rows with knit sts. Leave 7 sts for each strap, bind off middle sts, knit till the needed length and sew the straps (you can decorate your dress with bows, butterfly or anything you like). Back is knitted the same way, as front. Sew the sides.
Description of relief pattern:
Pattern is 4 sts.
1st row: 4 knit sts.
2nd and all the even rows: due to the pattern, yo with purl.
3rd row: 1 yo, knit2tog back, knit2tog front, 1 yo.
5th row: repeat from the 1st row.
difficult pattern! No size of needles or dress. It is a beautiful dress.
straight needles or circular and for what size does dress come in and what size néedles..thanks Sheila