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Short Knit Slippers Socks

Jan 16, 2021 11:23 PM
Short Knit Slippers Socks
Short Knit Slippers Socks

You'll need:

Yarn (any you like);

Knitting needles size depends on the chosen yarn.


At first, measure the size of your foot and define the quantity of sts (it should be odd). For adult it'll be about 40-60 sts. At first, make upper part, then - sides.


You can use any densed pattern for the upper part, for example, rib. If you want to make lapel, your upper part should consists of 20 rows, without lapel - 10 rows.

Divide the side into 2 parts, add 1 st in the middle and knit the upper part of toe with garter stitch. (Make 1 half, then, yarn over, knit the middle st, yarn over and finish the second half).


Divide your work into 3 parts, the middle part should consists of 11 sts. Knit the row to the middle, knit 10th st and 11th st together with the next part. Turn your work and knit 11 sts until your work has the same length as your foot.


Knit the rest sts from the first knitting needle from the side, then from the second one.

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