Crochet Red Pullover

You’ll need:
550 (600) 650g of red Lana Gross Seta (60% silk, 40% cotton; 115m/50g);
Crochet hook 4.
Size: S (M) L.
Used Patterns
Pattern with puff sts A: work due to the scheme A with straight and reversed directions. Make 3 chain sts increase instead of the 1st double crochet in every row. Make the last double crochet of every row in the 3rd chain st. Start with sts before the 1st arrow, repeat 2 sts of pattern between arrows, finish with sts after the 2nd arrow. Repeat 1st-3rd rows x once, then, repeat 2nd-3rd rows.
Pattern with puff sts B with decreases: work due to the scheme B. 3rd-23rd rows on the scheme are stated for A-shape line, from the 26th row – decreases for raglan chamfers. Make 3 double crochets in the beginning and end of row. Repeat raglan chamfers, as in the 30th and 31st rows.
Stitches control: 17,5 sts x 9,5 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Make 92 (100) 106 chain sts + 3 chain sts increase instead of the 1st double crochet = 93 (101) 107 sts and work with pattern with puff sts B, make the 1st puff st in the 6th chain st from the crochet hook. For A-shape line, decrease 5 x 1 st in the 3rd-23rd rows from both sides, as stated = 83 (91) 97 sts. In 28 cm = 27 rows from the set-up row, decrease 1 st from both sides for raglan chamfers, then, bind off 18 (24) 28 x 1 st in every following row and 4 (2) 1 x 1 st in every 2nd row. In 28 (30) 32 cm = 27 (29) 31 rows from the beginning of raglan, finish your work.
Make in the same way, as back, but with deeper neck-hole. For this, in 28 cm = 27 rows from the set-up row, decrease 1 st from both sides for raglan chamfers, then, bind off 13 (19) 23 x 1 st in the next row and 5 (3) 2 x 1 st in every 2nd row = 45 sts. In 25 (27) 29 cm = 24 (26) 28 rows from the beginning of raglan, finish your work.
Make 82 (90) 96 chain sts + 3 chain sts increase instead of the 1st double crochet = 83 (91) 97 sts and work with pattern with puff sts B, make the 1st puff st in the 6th chain st from the crochet hook. For A-shape line, decrease 1 st in the 3rd row from both sides, as stated, then, bind off 11 x 1 st in every row = 59 (67) 73 sts. In 18 cm = 17 rows from the set-up row, place marks from both sides and make raglan chamfers, make decreases from the right side in the same way, as for back (decrease 23 (27) 30 sts), from the left side – as for front (decrease 19 (23) 26 sts) and make 3 double crochets from both sides as stated. In 25 (27) 29 cm = 24 (26) 28 rows from the beginning of raglan, decrease 7 sts from the left side for neck-hole, then, 1 x 5 sts in the next row. For decreases, make sts with the help of slip st in the beginning of row, leave sts open in the end of row. In 28 (30) 32 cm = 27 (29) 31 sts from the beginning of raglan, finish your work on the last 5 sts. Make the second sleeve in the same way.
Make all seams. Fasten neck-hole with 1 circle row of 142 single crochets. Work with pattern with puff sts in the 1st row of the scheme A in the next circle row, finish with 1 slip st in the 3rd chain st increase instead of the 1st double crochet. Then, make 1 circle row of single crochets and finish your work.