Knit Red Pullover

You’ll need:
1000 (1100) 1200g of red Anouk yarn (50% alpaca wool, 50% microfiber; 56m/100g);
Straight and circular knitting needles 10.
Size: S (M) L.
Used Patterns
Wavy pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 18 + 10 (10) 0 + 2 selvage sts. Work due to the scheme, on which both RS and WS rows are stated. Start with 1 selvage st, repeat the pattern x once (once) twice, finish with the first 10 (10) 0 sts of pattern repeat and 1 selvage st. Repeat 1st-4th rows.
Garter stitch: knit sts.
Stitches control: wavy pattern: 9,5 sts x 12 rows = 10 x 10 cm;
Garter stitch: 9 sts x 16 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Start with right sleeve, cast on 30 (30) 38 sts and make 1 WS row of knit sts, then, work with wavy pattern. In 30 cm = 36 rows from the set-up row, cast on 1 x 20 (28) 28 new sts, make them as purls in the next WS row = 50 (58) 66 sts. In 43,5 cm = 52 rows (43,5 cm = 52 rows) 46,5 cm = 56 rows from the set-up row, cast on 1 x 10 sts for collar and work with garter stitch. Continue work on the rest sts with wavy pattern. In 52,5 cm = 63 rows (56 cm = 67 rows) 59 cm = 71 rows from the set-up row, the middle of back is reaches. Then, finish your work in symmetry. In 105 cm = 126 rows (112 cm = 134 rows) 118 cm = 142 rows from the set-up row, bind off the rest 30 (30) 38 knit sts.
Start with left sleeve, make in the same way, as back.
Make upper shoulder and sleeve seams, and also collar seams. Make side and lower sleeve seams. Cast on 80 (85) 90 sts along the lower edge of pullover and make 1 row of purls, then, bind off all sts as knit sts.