Knit Stars from Long Stitches

Work due to the scheme, on which all the rows are shown.
The quantity of sts is multipled 6 + 1 st for the symmetry + 2 selvedge sts.
Used Techniques
3 yarn overs insides 1 st: insert the right-hand needle in the st of the left-hand needle, twist the needle 3 times with work yarn counterclockwise, transfer the st with yarn overs to the right-hand needle;
5 sts out of 5 sts: transfer 5 sts with yarn overs from the left-hand needle to the right-hand needles. You should get 5 long sts, return them to the left-hand needle and make 5 slipped sts together through upper loops as knit st, don’t slip the sts (1st st), knit the 2nd st through the lower loops, 3rd – through upper loops, 4th – through back loops, 5th – through front loops. You should get 5 sts out of 5;
3 sts out of 3 sts: make in the same way, as 5 sts out of 5 sts.