Small Basket Knit Stitch

The quantity of sts should be even. Cast on 15 sts = 13 sts + 2 selvedge sts.
Start and finish each row with selvedge st. In the beginning of row slip 1 st without knitting, in the end - make it purl.
1st row: purl;
2nd row (right-side): insert knitting needle in the 3rd st (1st st - selvedge st), make it as knit st through lower loop, don't slip it from left knitting-needle, knit 2nd st as knit st through lower loop.
Drop both sts.
Continue work to the last st of pattern (except selvedge st), 1 knit st;
3rd row (wrong-side): insert knitting needle in the 3rd st (1st st - selvedge st), make it as purl, don't slip it from left knitting-needle, make it as purl.
Drop both sts.
Continue work to the last st of pattern (except selvedge st), 1 purl.
Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows to the needed height.