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Crochet One-Ball Ripple Scarf

2024-06-18 09:49:16
Crochet One-Ball Ripple Scarf

Create a stylish and effortless accessory with the Crochet One-Ball Ripple Scarf! This unique design uses a single ball of yarn to create a stunning ripple effect that adds texture and visual interest to any outfit. The scarf's simplicity makes it perfect for beginners, while its trendy look ensures it's sure to be a fashion statement. With its lightweight and soft fabric, this scarf is perfect for wrapping up on a chilly day or as a thoughtful gift for friends and family.

Skill Level: Easy

RED HEART® Boutique™ “Eclipse™”:
1 ball 9851 Tidal Wave.

Crochet Hook: 8mm [US L-11]. Yarn needle, one 1” diameter button, sewing needle and thread.
Scarf measures 6 ¾” x 35″.

GAUGE: One repeat = 3” across; 7 rows – 4” in pattern. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.

Special Abbreviation

dc3tog (worked over 3 sts)= [Yo and draw up a loop in next st, yo and draw through 2 loops] 3 times, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.


Ch 24.
Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook, * dc in next 3 ch, dc3tog, dc in next 3 ch **, 3 dc in next ch; repeat from * to last ch, end at **; 2 dc in last ch; turn – 2 ripples.
Row 2: Ch 3, dc in first dc, * dc in next 3 dc, dc3tog, dc in next 3 dc **, 3 dc in next dc; repeat from * to last st, end at **; 2 dc in top of ch-3; turn.
Repeat Row 2 for pattern until scarf is desired length.

Fasten off.


Sew button in place about 7½” from one end and centered, or where desired. Button will slip through crocheted yarn on opposite end.

ABBREVIATIONS: ch= chain; dc= double crochet; mm= millimeters; st(s)= stitch(es);
tog= together; *or**= repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.
2024-06-18 09:49:16
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