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Crochet Valentine Ripple Dishcloth

2024-05-14 07:52:20
Crochet Valentine Ripple Dishcloth

Create a handmade gift for your loved ones by crocheting this Valentine ripple dishcloth. This project is a thoughtful way to show someone you care, as it combines the love and effort put into a handmade item with the practicality of a dishcloth. The ripple design adds a playful touch to the traditional dishcloth, making it a unique and special gift for Valentine's Day. Crocheting this dishcloth is a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend your time, and the end result is a beautiful and functional piece that will be cherished for years to come.


Size: About 7 inches square.

Materials: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn:

Pink – ⅓ oz, 18 yds (9 g, 15 m)

White – ⅓ oz, 18 yds (9 g, 15 m)

Red – ⅓ oz, 18 yds (9 g, 15 m)

Crochet Hook:Size H-8 (5.00 mm)

Special Stitches

Single Crochet Decrease: (sc dec): Draw up a lp in each of next 2 sts, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook.


Row 1: (Right Side) With White ch 34, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 2 ch, 3 sc in next ch, sc in next 2 ch, * draw up a lp in next ch, skip next 2 ch, draw up a lp in next ch, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook, sc in next 2 ch, 3 sc in next ch, sc in next 2 ch; rep from * twice more, sc in next ch. (33 sc)

Pattern Rows

Note:All stitches are worked in theback loopsof each sc.

Row 2: Ch 1, turn, working in back loops only, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, 3 sc in center sc of 3-sc group, sc in next 2 sc, * draw up a lp in next sc, skip next sc, draw up a lp in next sc, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook, sc in next 2 sc, 3 sc in center sc of 3-sc group, sc in next 2 sc; rep from * twice more, sc dec. (33 sc) Finish off and weave in ends.

Row 3: With right side facing, join next color with sc in back lp of first sc, sc dec, sc in next sc, 3 sc in center sc of 3-sc group, sc in next 2 sc, * draw up a lp in next sc, skip next sc, draw up a lp in next sc, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook, sc in next 2 sc, 3 sc in center sc of 3-sc group, sc in next 2 sc; rep from * twice more, sc dec. (33 sc)

Rows 4-18: Rep Pattern Rows 2-3 seven times and then Row 2 once alternating White, Red and Pink colors.

At the end of Row 18, finish off and weave in ends.

2024-05-14 07:52:20
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