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​Crochet Cherry Cardigan

Jun 14, 2021 12:11 AM
​Crochet Cherry Cardigan
​Crochet Cherry Cardigan

You’ll need:

350g of fringy yarn in cherry color;

80g of thin 100% acryl yarn in cherry color;

Crochet hook 3;

6 buttons.

Size: L-XL.

Stitches control: 15 sts = 10 cm.

Note: work in 2 threads of 100% acryl yarn.



Make 79 chain sts with acryl yarn and 6 rows = 3 cm of single crochets, then, *make 13 cm of double crochets with fringy yarn, 6 rows of single crochets with acryl yarn*; repeat from * to * to the end of work. At 35 cm height, paying attention, that the 6th row should be made with acryl yarn, bind off 1 x 4 sts, 2 x 2 sts and 2 x 1 st from both sides for arm-holes = 61 sts. In 20 cm from the beginning of arm-holes, bind off 25 sts for neck-hole and finish both sides separately. At 56 cm height, finish your work.

Right Front

Make 40 chain sts with acryl yarn and work in the same way, as back. At 35 cm height, bind off 1 x 4 sts, 2 x 2 sts, 2 x 1 st for arm-hole. At 48 cm height from the beginning of work, bind off 1 x 5 sts, 1 x 3 sts, 2 x 2 sts, 2 x 1 st for neck-hole. At 56 cm height, finish your work.

Left Front

Make in symmetry to the right front.


Make 37 chain sts and continue work with double crochets with fringy yarn. Alternate materials and patterns, matching with pattern design. Pay attention, that you should increase 11 x 1 st in every 2nd row from both sides. At 43 cm height, bind off 1 x 7 sts, 1 x 4 sts, 1 x 3 sts, 1 x 2 sts, 2 x 1 st, 2 x 2 sts, 2 x 3 sts and finish your work.


Make all the seams and sew up the sleeves. For plackets, make 7 chain sts and 48 cm of single crochets for every placket. Make 5 button-holes on right front placket. Sew plackets. Make 80 chain sts along neck-hole and make 6 rows of single crochets, make button-hole in the 3rd row. Fasten the whole wotk with 1 row of “shrimp stitch”.

Jun 14, 2021 10:41 AM

I like this cardigan and it's color

Jun 14, 2021 10:36 PM

Thank you!
