Crochet Turquoise Beach Dress

You’ll need:
500 (550) 550g of turquoise yarn;
Crochet hook 4.
Size: S (M) L.
Used Patterns
Rhombs pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 16 + 1. Work due to the scheme. Start with sts before pattern repeat, pattern repeat, finish with sts after pattern repeat. Make 1st-9th rows x once, then, repeat 2nd-9th rows.
Puff stitch pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 6 + 1. Work in the same way, as the 1st pattern, but due to the scheme 2. Make 1st-5th rows x once.
Stitches control: 23 sts x 9 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Make 129 (145) 161 chain sts + 3 chain sts increase and work with rhombs pattern. For side chamfer, bind off 7 x 1 cm in every 6th and 8th rows by turn from both sides. In 63 (61) 59 cm from the set-up row, bind off 2 cm from both sides for arm-holes and 1 x 2 cm and 3 (5) 7 x 1 cm in every next row. In 74 cm from the set-up row, bind off the central 6 (9) 12 cm for neck-hole and finish both sides separately. For smooth rounding, bind off 3 x 3 cm in every next row from inwards. Finish your work in 78,5 cm from the set-up row on the rest sts.
Make in the same way, as back.
Make side seams. For neck-hole placket, make 232 (250) 268 chain sts + 1 chain st increase and work with puff stitch pattern. In 5 rows from the set-up row, finish your work. Make placket seam. Sew placket to the front and back neck-hole with the set-up row to neck-hole.