Crochet Lace Pattern with Holes
The quantity of sts is multiple 8 + 2.
1st row: skip chain; SC in the second chain; CH3; skip CH3; DC; CH3; skip CH3; SC; *CH3; skip CH3; DC; CH3; skip CH3; SC *repeat to the end row. Turn your work;
2nd row: CH3; DC + HDC + SC in the first chain space; CH; *SC+HDC+DC in a chain space; CH; DC + HDC + SC in a chain space; CH *repeat to the end row; SC+HDC+DC in the last chain space; DC in the last st. Turn your work;
3rd row: CH; SC in the first st; CH3; DC in the next chain space; CH3; *SC in the next chain space; CH3; DC in the next chain space; CH3 *repeat to the end row; SC in the last st. Turn your work;
4th row: CH3; DC + HDC + SC in the first chain space; CH; *SC+HDC+DC in a chain space; CH; DC + HDC + SC in a chain space; CH *repeat to the end row; SC+HDC+DC in the last chain space; DC in the last st. Turn your work.
Repeat the 3rd-4th rows.