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Helping our users. Christmas Pudding Chocolate Orange Cover.

Oct 22, 2020 10:13 PM
Helping our users. Christmas Pudding Chocolate Orange Cover.

You’ll need:

DK yarn;

Knitting needles 3.5mm.


Using Brown

Cast on 43 sts

1st Row: S1, *k1, p1, repeat from * to the last 2sts, k2

2nd Row: S1, *p1, k1, repeat from * to end

Repeat last 2 rows five times more

Change to White

Knit 6 rows

19th Row: S1, knit to end

20th Row: S1 purl to last st, K1

Repeat last 2 rows twice more

25th Row: *K2tog, repeat from * to last st, K1

26th Row: P2 tog, to end

Cut yarn, leaving a 'tail' to use for sewing up, draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly

Add a couple of holy leaves and some red berries.

Holly Leaves

Make 2 leaves joined together

Using green yarn cast on 1 stitch

Row 1: Knit

Row 2: Knit 3 times into the stitch (3sts)

Row 3: Knit front and back into the first stitch, k1, knit front and back into the last stitch (5sts)

Row 4: Cast off 1 stitch, k3 (4sts)

Row 5: Cast off 1 stitch, k2 (3sts)

Row 6: Knit front and back into the first stitch, k1, knit front and back into the last stitch (5sts)

Row 7: Cast off 1 stitch, k3 (4sts)

Row 8: Cast off 1 stitch, k2 (3sts)

Row 9: Slip 1 stitch, k2tog, pass slip stitch over (1st)

Row 10: Knit 3 times into the stitch (3sts)

Row 11: Knit front and back into the first stitch, k1, knit front and back into the last stitch (5sts)

Row 12: Cast off 1 stitch, k3 (4sts)

Row 13: Cast off 1 stitch, k2 (3sts)

Row 14: Knit front and back into the first stitch, k1, knit front and back into the last stitch (5sts)

Row 15: Cast off 1 stitch, k3 (4sts)

Row 16: Cast off 1 stitch, k2 (3sts)

Row 17: Slip 1 stitch, k2tog, pass slip stitch over (1st)

Fasten off


Using red yarn cast on 3 stitches

Row 1: Knit in the front and back of every stitch (6sts)

Row 2: Purl

Row 3: Knit

Row 4: P2tog three times (3sts)

Cast off

Tie cast on and cast off tails together (this pulls the berry together)

Sew leaves and berry on to the top

Fill with a Terry’s Chocolate Orange

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