Relief Knit Dishcloth

You’ll need:
Drops Safran Yarn:
50 g colour 56, powder pink;
50 g colour 18, off white;
50 g colour 59, red clay;
50 g colour 22, light brown;
Knitting needles 2,5 mm.
1 cloth weighs approx. 32 g
Stitches control: 26 stitches in width and 34 rows in height with stocking stitch = 10 x 10 cm.
Size: 1 cloth measures approx. 26 x 26 cm.
Used Patterns
Ridge/Garter stitch (worked back and forth):
Knit all rows.
1 ridge in height = Knit 2 rows.
Main Pattern: see diagrams A.1, A.2 and A.3.
The cloths are worked back and forth on the needle.
Cast on 67 stitches with needle size 2.5 mm and Safran.
Work 2 ridges over all stitches – read description above.
Then continue working according to the diagrams, as follows from the right side: Work 3 stitches in garter stitch - see description above, A.1 (= 5 stitches), A.2 over 50 stitches (= 5 times in width), A.3 over 6 stitches and 3 stitches in garter stitch.
Continue to work like this, according to the diagrams, until the piece measures approx. 25 cm; finish after row 10 or row 20 in the diagrams. Work 2 ridges, then cast off with knit on the next row. Cut and fasten the strand.
Work 1 cloth in each colour.
how do I down load the full pattern?
You can copy the text and save it as .doc file