Crochet Sweet Bunny
If you're looking to add an extra dose of cuteness to your crafting projects, consider trying your hand at a Crochet Sweet Bunny! These delightful little creatures can be whipped up with just a few basic crochet stitches and some soft yarn. Whether you're a seasoned crocheter or a beginner dabbling in the craft, creating your own sweet bunny can be a fun and rewarding experience. From choosing the perfect pastel colors for its fur to giving it a charming embroidered face, every step of the process is a chance to add your own personal touch. Once finished, your Crochet Sweet Bunny will make a charming addition to your home decor or a heartfelt gift for a loved one. So grab your crochet hook, pick out your favorite yarn, and get ready to bring some handmade sweetness into your life!
sc: single crochet
ch: chain
St: Stitch
inc : increase
dec: decrease
dc: double crochet
dc-inc: double crochet increase (2 dc in a stitch)
Sl st : slip stitch
F/O: Fasten off
3 mm crochet hook
yarn in pink, dark pink, yellow, green
Needle for sewing
10 mm safety eyes
Note: work in continuous round
Use pink
R1: ch 2, starting from second chain from hook 6 sc (6)
R2: inc, rep 6x (12)
R3: sc, inc, rep 6x (18)
R4: sc, inc, [2 sc, inc = rep 5x], sc (24)
R5: 3 sc, inc, rep 6x (30)
R6: 2 sc, inc, [4 sc, inc = rep 5x], 2 sc (36)
R7: 5 sc, inc, rep 6x (42)
R8: 3 sc, inc, [6 sc, inc = rep 5x], 3 sc (48)
R9: 7 sc, inc, rep 6x (54)
R10: 4 sc, inc, [8 sc, inc = rep 5x], 4 sc (60)
R11-17: sc around
Attach safety eyes between R14 and R15, give space 10sts.
R18: 4 sc, dec, [8 sc, dec = rep 5x], 4 sc (54)
R19: 7 sc, dec, rep 6x (48)
R20: 3 sc, dec, [6 sc, dec = rep 5x], 3 sc (42)
R21: 5 sc, dec, rep 6x (36)
R22: 2 sc, dec, [4 sc, dec = rep 5x], 2 sc (30)
R23: 3 sc, dec, rep 6x (24)
R24: 2 sc, dec, rep 6x (18)
R25: sc, dec, rep 6x (12)
R26: dec, rep 6x (6)
Use pink
R1: ch 2, starting from second chain from hook 6 sc (6)
R2: inc, rep 6x (12)
R3: sc, inc, rep 6x (18)
R4: sc, inc, [2 sc, inc = rep 5x], sc (24)
R5: 3 sc, inc, rep 6x (30)
R6: 2 sc, inc, [4 sc, inc = rep 5x], 2 sc (36)
R7: 5 sc, inc, rep 6x (42)
R8-11: sc around
R12: CC to green, 5 sc, dec, rep 6x (36)
R13: CC to yellow, BLO, sc around
R14: sc around
R15: 4 sc, dec, rep 6x (30)
R16-18: sc around
R19: 3 sc, dec, rep 6x (24)
R20-21: sc around
R22: 2 sc, dec, rep 6x (18)
R23-24: sc around
F/O leaving a long tail for sewing
Continue making skirt
Work in front loop of R12
R1: ch 2, 5 dc, dc-inc, rep 6x (42), sl st to the first st
R2: ch 2, 6 dc, dc-inc, rep 6x (48), sl st to the first st
R3: ch 2, 7 dc, dc-inc, rep 6x (54), sl st to the first st
R4: ch 2, dc around
R5: CC to dark pink, ch 2, sl st, repeat around
Arms (make 2):
Use pink
R1: ch 2, starting from second chain from hook 6 sc (6)
R2: inc, rep 6x (12)
R3: 3 sc, inc, rep 3x (15)
R4-5: sc around
R6: 4 sc, [dec = 3x], 5 sc (12)
R7: 4 sc, [dec = 2x], 4 sc (10)
Isi dakron
R8-14: sc around
R15-20: CC to yellow, sc around
R8: dec, rep 5x (5)
F/O leaving a long tail for sewing
Legs (make 2):
Use yellow
R1: ch 6, starting from 2nd chain from hook, 4 sc, 3 sc in last st, continue your work st around the other side of chain, 3 sc, 2 sc in last st. (12)
R2: inc, 3 sc, [inc = 3x], 3 sc, [inc = 2x] (18)
R3: 5 sc, [inc = 6x], 7 sc (24)
R4: sc around
R5: 6 sc, [dec= 6x], 6 sc (18)
R6: 3 sc, [dec = 6x], 3 sc (12)
R7: CC to pink, BLO, sc around
R8-17: sc around
F/O leaving along tail for sewing
Ears (make 2):
Use dark pink
R1: ch 2, starting from second chain from hook 6 sc (6)
R2: inc, rep 6x (12)
R3: sc around
R4: sc, inc, rep 6x (18)
R5-6: sc around
R7: 2 sc, inc, rep 6x (24)
R8-11: sc around
R12: 4 sc, dec, rep 4x (20)
R13-16: sc around
R17: 3 sc, dec, rep 4x (16)
R18-19: sc around
F/O leaving along tail for sewing.
Use white
R1: ch 2, starting from second chain from hook 6 sc (6)
R2: inc, rep 6x (12)
R3: sc, inc, rep 6x (18)
F/O leaving along tail for sewing
- Use pink yarn to sew nose on the muzzle.
- Sew muzzle between eyes.
- Sew both ears on head.
- Sew body to head.
- Sew legs to bottom of body.