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Crochet Shell Stitch Dish Towel

Jun 15, 2024 10:08 AM
Crochet Shell Stitch Dish Towel

The Crochet Shell Stitch Dish Towel is a charming and functional home decor accessory that adds a touch of coastal charm to any kitchen. Made with soft, absorbent yarn and the classic shell stitch pattern, this towel is both stylish and practical. The shell stitch design creates a textured, dimensional look that adds visual interest to the kitchen, while the absorbent yarn makes it perfect for drying dishes, wiping down countertops, or even cleaning up spills. The finished size is generous, making it suitable for drying large plates or serving dishes, and the edges are finished with a decorative border that adds a touch of whimsy.

Materials Needed: about 5 ozs of light blue worsted weight yarn, small amount of dark blue yarn, H hook, sewing needle


With main color ch 50

Row 1- sc in 2nd ch from hook, *skip 2 chs, work 5 dc in next ch, skip 2 chs, sc in next ch*repeat 8 times, turn

Row 2 - ch 3(counts as 1st dc), work 4 dcs in same st,*sk 2 dcs on prev rnd, sc in next dc on prev round, sk 2 dcs on prev rnd, work 5 dcs in the sc on previous round* repeat 8 times, turn

Row 3 - ch 1, *skip 2dcs on prev round, sc in next dc on prev round, skip 2 dcs on prev round, work 5 dcs in the sc on previous round* repeat 8 times, skip 2 dcs on prev round, sc in next dc on prev round, turn

Row 4 - 24 - repeat rows 2 and 3

Row 25 - ch 1 turn, sc in same st, sc in each st across (48)

Special Stitches: Decrease Single Crochet- dec sc- insert hook in 1st st, pull up a loop, insert hook in next st, pull up a loop, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook 

Row 26 - ch1, (sc, dec sc in next st) repeat across, turn (32)

Row 27 - ch1, (sc, dec sc in next st) repeat across, dec in last 2 sts, turn (21)

Row 28- ch 1, dec sc across, sc in last st turn (11 scs)

Row 29 - ch 1, (dec sc, sc in next st) across, turn (7 scs)

Row 30- 49 ch 1, hdc in each st across, turn (7 scs)

Row 50 - ch 1, sc in next 3 sts, ch 10, sc in next 4 sts. Fasten off.

Flower Closure:

Round 1 - ch 4, join with a sl st to fist ch

Round 2 - ch 1, *sc in ring, ch 3* repeat 5 times, sl st in 1st sc

Round 3 - attach white with a sl st, ch 1, *sc, hdc, 3 dcs, hdc, sc in next ch 3 sp*5 times, join with a sl st to 1st sc. Fasten off, leaving a long length of yarn to sew with. Sew to row 29. 

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