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Crochet Shell Flower Dish Cloth

Jun 15, 2024 10:03 AM
Crochet Shell Flower Dish Cloth

The Crochet Shell Flower Dish Cloth is a beautiful and practical addition to any kitchen. Made with soft, absorbent cotton yarn and a delicate shell-shaped pattern, this dish cloth is perfect for drying delicate glassware, wiping down countertops, or cleaning up spills. The intricate flower design adds a touch of elegance to the kitchen, while the softness and absorbency of the yarn ensure that it's gentle on surfaces and effective at cleaning. Whether you're a cook who loves to entertain or a busy parent who values practicality, this dish cloth is sure to become a favorite in your kitchen.

Difficulty Level: Advanced

Materials Needed: 1 ball of pink and 1 ball of green worsted weight yarn, H hook


ch 4, join with a sl st to form a ring

Round 1 - ch 4(counts as 1st dc and ch 1), *dc, ch 1* repeat from*to* 9 times, join with a sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch 4

Round 2 - sl st into ch 1 sp, ch 4, dc, ch 1 in same sp, in next ch sp work *dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1* repeat 9 times, join with a sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch 4

Round 3 - sl st into ch 1 sp, ch 4, dc, ch 1 in same sp, *skip next ch sp , in next ch sp work dc, ch 1, dc, ch 1* repeat 9 times, join with a sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch 4

Round 4 - sl st into ch 1 sp, ch 4, dc in same st, ch1 *dc in next ch 1 sp, ch1, (dc, ch 1, dc, ch1) in next sp* repeat from *to* 9 times, dc in next sp, ch1, sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch 4

Round 5 - sl st into ch 1 sp, ch 4, dc in same st, *ch 4, sk next 2 ch 1 sps, dc, ch1, dc in next ch 1 sp * repeat from *to* 9 times ch 4, join with a sl st to the 3rd ch of beg ch 4

Round 6 - sl st into ch 1 sp with green, join pink yarn, fasten off GREEN, (you are now working with the pink yarn) ch 3, work 4 dcs in same st, **dc in the ch1 sp that is 2 rows below and behind the ch 3, (this is round 4) dc in the same sp but in front of the ch 3, ch 1 dc in the next ch1 sp that is 2 rows below and behind the ch 3, dc in the same sp but in front of the ch 3 work* in next ch sp on row 5 work 5 dc in same st ** repeat from ** to ** 9 times, repeat from **to* once. join with a sl st to the top of ch 3

Round 7 - sl st into next st, sl st into the next st and work, ch 3, 4 more dc in same st, **ch 2, sc in next ch 1 sp, ch 2,* in 3rd dc of the 5dc group on previous rnd work 5 dcs** repeat from **to** 9 times, repeat from **to* once. join with a sl st to top of ch 3. Fasten off.

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