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Crochet Face Cloth

Jun 14, 2024 02:31 AM
Crochet Face Cloth

Indulge in a luxurious and gentle cleansing experience with the Crochet Face Cloth! This soft and soothing face cloth is made with delicate yarn and features a delicate, intricate crochet design that exfoliates and nourishes your skin. The gentle fibers are gentle on even the most sensitive skin, making it perfect for daily use or as a special treat for dry or irritated skin.

Materials Needed: 1 1/2 oz. of worsted weight cotton yarn, H hook

ch 34
Row 1 - dc in 2nd ch from hook and in each remaining ch, ch 4 turn
Row 2 - sk first st, sl st in next st, *ch 4 sk first st, sl st in next st* continue from *to* ch 4, turn
Row 3 - work 2 dc in each ch 4 sp across, ch 4 turn
repeat row 2 & 3 8 more times
dc in each dc across, continuing around the outer edge sc evenly down one side on the bottom ch 4 sl st in next st across, sc evenly up other side, ch 4 sl st in the next st across top. Fasten off 
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