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​Watermelon Oven Cloth

May 25, 2020 02:32 AM
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth
​Watermelon Oven Cloth

You'll need:

Green and red fabric;

Sintepon (bed);


Dress-making scissors;

Vanishing marker for fabric;

Black permanent marker for fabric;



Sewing machine;



Using a plate or something similar as a pattern, cut out the same round details:

- 2 of red fabric;

- 1 of green fabric;

- 3 from synthetic winterizer.

Assemble the main part of the tack: a piece of red fabric with the wrong side up, two parts of synthetic winterizer, a part of red fabric with the wrong side down. For the valve, fold the synthetic winterizer piece in half, the green fabric part also fold in half inside out and put the folded synthetic winterizer piece into it. Fasten the layers with pins.

Find the center at the circle of the main part and draw a line through it with a disappearing marker. Then draw parallel lines over the entire width of the tack at a distance of 3 cm from each other.

Lay the stitch along the edge of the main part, holding the layers together. The distance from the edge is 5 mm. Then lay the lines along the lines drawn. Sew the valve part on the rounded side, also backing away from the edge of 5 mm. On the straight side of the valve part, lay a stitch, departing from a 1 cm bend.

With indelible black marker on the main part on one side draw “seeds”.

From a green fabric, cut an oblique inlay 4 cm wide. For a buttonhole, cut a piece of inlay 10 cm long, fold four times, iron and sew a line, departing from the folds of 2 mm. Fold the main part with the part of the valve, pin the loop from the top to the center with a fold. Work the edges with an oblique trim, while stitching the parts and sewing on a loop.

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