Red Crochet Shawl

You’ll need:
250g of thin 100% acryl yarn in red color;
Crochet hook 3;
1 button or pin.
Used Patterns
Fancy pattern: due to the scheme 1;
Flower: due to the scheme 2;
Fringe: due to the scheme 3.
Stitches control: 25 sts = 10 cm.
Make 109 chain sts and work with pattern due to the scheme 1. At 124 cm height, paying attention, that the last row should be the 10th row of the scheme, making 6 chain sts instead of 7 chain sts in every arch, finish your work. Make the second detail in the same way, but about 80 cm long.
For flower, make 38 chain sts and make 2 rows due to the scheme 2. Twist the detail in spiral, forming flower, fasten edges form WS. Sew button in the center of flower, fasten the pin from WS.
Sew both sides of shawl. Fasten the edges of work with 1 row of single crochets. Fasten short sides with fringe due to the scheme 3.
A lot of things are very lovely and gorgeous 😻 I do not have the time to crochet a lot of things right now
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Pattern is not clear to me as to how many separate pieced I need to crochet and sew together
Looks beautiful and it's easy to make 👍