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Crochet Piggy Bank

2024-07-18 10:10:15
Crochet Piggy Bank

A crochet piggy bank is the cutest and most charming way to save up your coins! This delightful handmade creation not only adds a touch of cozy charm to your space but also serves as a practical and fun way to stash your spare change. With its adorable piggy shape and soft, yarn texture, it's hard not to smile every time you see it sitting on your shelf. Whether you're a crochet enthusiast looking for a new project or someone who wants to add a unique piece to their decor, a crochet piggy bank is a wonderful choice that brings joy and functionality together in the most delightful way!


Approximately 23cm/9in long.


1 x 50g (130m) ball of Rico Design Essentials Cotton DK (100% cotton) in each of White (80) and Dark Jeans (85).

Size 3.00 crochet hook; washable toy stuffing; sewing or tapestry needle.


Ch, chain; st, stitch; dc, double crochet; htr, half treble; htr2tog, work 2 half treble together as follows ([yarn over hook, insert hook in next st, yarn over hook and pull through] twice, yarn over hook and pull through all 5 loops on hook); slst, slip st.


Yarn amounts are based on average requirements and are therefore approximate. Instructions in square brackets are worked as stated after 2nd bracket.

Head and body


1st round: With 3.00 hook and White, wind yarn round index finger of left hand to form a slip ring, insert hook into ring, yarn over hook and pull through, 2ch (does not count as a st throughout entire instructions, except when working ears), work 8htr in ring, slst in top of 2ch, pull end of yarn tightly to close ring - 8 sts. Beginning at underside of snout, continue thus:

2nd round: 2ch, [2htr in next st] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 16 sts.

3rd round: 2ch, [2htr in next st, 1htr in next st] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 24 sts.

4th to 7th rounds: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 24 times, slst in top of 2ch.

Head: Continue in stripes, catching yarn not in use loosely on wrong side at end of every round, work thus: Change to Dark Jeans.

8th round: 2ch, [2htr in next st, 1htr in each of next 2 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 32 sts.

9th round: 2ch, [2htr in next st, 1htr in each of next 3 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 40 sts.

10th round: 2ch, [2htr in next st, 1htr in each of next 4 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 48 sts.

11th round: 2ch, [2htr in next st, 1htr in each of next 5 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 56 sts.

Change to White.

12th round: 2ch, [2htr in next st, 1htr in each of next 6 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 64 sts.

13th round: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 64 times, slst in top of 2ch.

14th and 15th rounds: As 13th round. Change to Dark Jeans.

Body: 16th to 19th rounds: As 13th round. Fasten off.

Change to White.

20th and 21st rounds: As 13th round. Fasten off.

Slot opening: Beginning at underside, count to 33rd st from beginning of round, rejoin White to 33rd st and work in rows thus:

22nd row: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 64 times. Cut off White and rejoin to beginning of last row.

23rd row: As 22nd row, Cut off White. Join Dark Jeans to beginning of last row.

24th row: As 22nd row.

** Cut off Dark Jeans and rejoin to beginning of last row.

25th row: As 22nd row. **

26th and 27th rows: Work from ** to **, twice.

Cut off Dark Jeans.

Beginning at slot, count to 33rd st of last row, join White to 33rd st and continue in rounds as before.

28th round: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 64 times, slst in top of 2ch.

29th to 31st rounds: As 28th round.

Cut off White.

Slot lining: 1st round: Keeping loose ends of yarn on inside of body, join Dark Jeans to one end of slot opening, 2ch, work 18htr evenly around slot opening, slst in top of 2ch - 18 sts.

2nd round: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 18 times, slst in top of 2ch.

3rd round: 2ch, [2htr in next st] 18 times, slst in top of 2ch - 36 sts.

4th to 9th rounds: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 36 times, slst in top of 2ch. Fasten off. Flatten lining in line with slot and join fastened-off edge to close opening.

Tuck lining inside body.

Stuff snout, head and body, stuffing around slot lining and continue to stuff body as you work the last ten rounds.

Next round: Join Dark Jeans to beginning of 31st round, 2ch, [1htr in next st] 64 times, slst in top of 2ch.

Next round: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 64 times, slst in top of 2ch.

Repeat last round once more.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog, 1htr in each of next 6 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 56 sts.

Change to White.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog, 1htr in each of next 5 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 48 sts.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog, 1htr in each of next 4 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 40 sts.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog, 1htr in each of next 3 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 32 sts.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog, 1htr in each of next 2 sts] 8 times, slst in top of 2ch - 24 sts.

Change to Dark Jeans.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog] 12 times, slst in top of 2ch - 12 sts.

Next round: 2ch, [htr2tog] 6 times, slst in top of 2ch - 6 sts.

Do not break off yarn.


With 3.00 hook and Dark Jeans, make 17ch, turn.

Next row: 5htr in 3rd ch from hook, 5htr in each ch to end. Fasten off.

Run a gathering thread around last round at tail end of body, pull up and fasten off securely. Curl base of tail around last round of body and catch down.

Feet (make 4)

With 3.00 hook and Dark Jeans, work 1st to 7th rounds as given for snout. Fasten off. Stuff and sew feet in place.

Ears (make 2)

With 3.00 hook and White, make 3ch.

1st row: 2htr in 3rd ch from hook, turn - 3 sts.

2nd row: 2ch (counts as 1 st throughout), 1htr in base of 2ch, 1htr in next st, 2htr in last st, turn - 5 sts.

3rd row: 2ch, 1htr in base of 2ch, 1htr in each of next 3 sts, 2htr in last st, turn - 7 sts.

4th to 6th rows: 2ch, 1htr in base of 2ch, [1htr in next st] to last st, 2htr in last st, turn - 13 sts.

7th and 8th rows: 2ch, [1htr in next st] 12 times, turn. Fasten off.

Make another piece to match, but do not fasten off.

Place the two pieces with wrong sides together and omitting base edge, join with a row of dc evenly around outer edges. Fasten off. Sew ears in place.

Eyes (make 2)

With 3.00 hook and White, work 1st round as given for snout. Fasten off.

Sew eyes in place. With Dark Jeans, embroider pupils on eyes and nostrils on snout.

2024-07-18 10:10:15
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