Crochet Hearts Free Pattern

Crochet hearts are a delightful way to add a touch of love and warmth to your crafting projects. Whether you're making them as a heartfelt gift for a friend or incorporating them into your home decor, these whimsical little creations are sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. With just a few basic crochet stitches, you can create a beautiful and intricate heart design that radiates charm and coziness. The best part about crocheting hearts is the endless possibilities for customization - from choosing your favorite yarn colors to experimenting with different sizes and textures, each heart can be as unique as the person you're creating it for. So grab your crochet hook, pick out some soft yarn, and let your creativity blossom as you crochet your way to spreading love, one heart at a time!
Tiny Heart
Finished diameter: 1 1/8 in (29 mm)
Thread required: 3 yds (2.7 m)
Foundation ring: ch 5, and join with sl st in first ch.
Rnd 1: ch 4. 7 tr in ring, ch 4, and sl st in 4th ch from hook to form loop. 7 tr in ring, ch 4, and si st in ring.
Rnd 2: 4 sc in ch 4 space, hdc in 1 tr. 2 dc in each of 6 tr. [2 sc, ch 2, 2 sc] in ch 4 loop. 2 dc in each of 6 tr. hdc in tr, and 4 sc in ch 4 space. Join with sl st in sl st.
Fasten off; weave in ends.
Lace Heart
Finished height: 2 3/8 in (60 mm)
Thread required: 7 yds (6.4 m)
Foundation ring: ch 6, and join with sl st in first ch.
Rnd 1: ch 5. 6 tr in ring, ch 3. 6 tr in ring, ch 5. sl st in ring.
Rnd 2: 5 sc in ch 5 space, hdc in 1 tr. dc in 5 tr. [2 dc, tr, ch 2, tr, 2 dc] in ch 3 space, dc in 5 tr. hdc in 1 tr. 5 sc in ch 5 space. Join with sl st in sl st.
Rnd 3: ch 6. Skip 3 sc, and dc in 1 sc. [ch 3, skip 1 stitch, and dc in 1 stitch] 4 times, ch 3. In ch 2 point: [2 dc, ch 4 and sl st in 4th ch from hook to form loop, 2 dc]. ch 3. Skip 2 stitches, and dc in 1 stitch, [ch 3, skip 1 stitch, and dc in 1 stitch] 4 times, ch 6. Skip 3 sc. sl st over si st, and into the sl st below.
Rnd 4: ch 6. sc in ch 6 space, [ch 4, dc] in each of the next 5 ch 3 spaces, ch 2. [2 sc, ch 2,2 sc] in ch 4 loop, ch 2. dc in ch 3 space, [ch 4, dc] in each of the next 4 ch 3 spaces, ch 4, and sc in ch 6 space, ch 6. sl st over sl st, and into the sl st in Rnd 2.
Rnd 5: ch 6. sc in ch 6 space, [ch 5, sc] in each of the next 5 ch 4 spaces, ch 5. Skip dc, and skip ch 2 space, sc in 2 sc. ch 4, and sl st in 3rd ch from hook to form picot. ch 1. Skip ch 2 point, sc in 2 sc. Skip ch 2 space, and skip dc. [ch 5, sc] in 5 ch 4 spaces, and in ch 6 space, ch 6. sl st over sl st, and into the sl st in Rnd 2. Fasten off; weave in ends.
Ruffled Heart
Finished height: 2 3/4 in (70 mm)
Thread required: 10 yds (9.1 m)
Foundation ring: ch 5, and join with sl st in first ch.
Rnd 1: ch 3 (counts as dc). dc in ring. * ch 2. 2 dc in ring. Repeat from * twice, ch 2, and join with sl st in top of initial ch 3.
Rnd 2: ch 3 (counts as dc). [ch 2, dc] in next dc. *ch 2. [dc, ch 4, dc] in ch 2 point.** [ch 2, dc] in each of 2 dc. Repeat from * twice, and from * to ** once more, ch 2, and join with sl st in top of initial ch 3.
Rnd 3: sl st in ch 2 space, and ch 1 (counts as sc), [ch 2, sc] in next ch 2 space, [ch 2, sc, ch 2, dc] in ch 4 space, [ch 3, tr] in 1 ch 2 space, [ch 3, dtr] in 1 ch 2 space, [ch 3, tr] in 1 ch 2 space, [ch 3, sl st] in ch 4 space, [ch 3, tr] in 1 ch 2 space, [ch 3, dtr] in 1 ch 2 space, [ch 3, tr] in 1 ch 2 space, [ch 3, dc, ch 2, sc] in ch 4 space. [ch 2, sc] in each of 3 ch 2 spaces, ch 2. [sc, ch 3, sc] in ch 4 space, [ch 2, sc] in ch 2 space, ch 2, and join with sl st in initial ch 1.
Rnd 4: sl st in ch 2 space, and ch 3 (counts as dc). dc in same ch 2 space. 2 dc in 1 ch 2 space. 3 dc in next ch 2 space, and in 1 ch 3 space. 6 dc in each of 2 ch 3 spaces. [2 dc, hdc, 2 sc] in ch 3 space, and sl st in sl st. [2 sc, hdc, 2 dc] in 1 ch 3 space. 6 dc in each of 2 ch 3 spaces. 3 dc in ch 3 space, and in 1 ch 2 space. 2 dc in each of 4 ch 2 spaces. [3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc] in ch 3 point. 2 dc in each of 2 ch 2 spaces. Join with sl st in top of initial ch 3.
Rnd 5: ch 1 (counts as sc). *dc in 1 stitch, ch 2, and dc in next stitch, sc in 1 stitch.** Repeat from * to ** 7 times, ch 2. Skip 2 sc, and sl st in sl st. ch 2. Skip 2 sc, and sc in hdc. Repeat from * to ** 10 times, dc in 1 dc. ch 2. In ch 3 point, work: [dc, sc, dc, ch 2, dc, sc, dc]. ch 2. dc in 1 dc, and sc in 1 sc. Repeat from * to ** once, dc in 1 dc, ch 2, and dc in next dc. Join with sl st in initial ch 1.
Fasten off; weave in ends.
Floral Heart
Finished height: 4 in (102 mm)
Thread required: color A, 9 yds (8.2 m); color B, 16 yds (14.6 m)
Flowers 1 and 2
Foundation ring: Using color A, ch 5, and join with sl st in first ch.
Rnd 1: ch 1 (counts as sc). 7 sc in ring. Join with sl st in initial ch 1.
Rnd 2: ch 8 and sl st in same ch as last sl st. [sl st, ch 8, sl st] in each of the 7 remaining sc. Join with sl st in sl st.
Rnd 3: sl st in 1 ch, and in ch 8 loop, ch 1 (counts as sc). [2 sc, ch 1, 3 sc] in same loop. [3 sc, ch 1, 3 sc] in each of the 7 remaining loops. Join with sl st in initial ch 1. Fasten off.
Flower 3
Repeat instructions for Flowers 1 and 2, with the following changes. In the 2nd petal of Rnd 3, work: [3 sc, si st in the back strand only of any ch 1 point of Flower 1, 3 sc]. In the 4th petal of Rnd 3, work: [3 scr sl st in the back strand only of any ch 1 point of Flower 2, 3 sc].
Rnd 1: Work this round in the back strands only of the the flowers' outside rounds. Using color B, sc in the ch 1 point of the 7th petal of Flower 3. [ch 7, sc] in each of the next 2 ch 1 points of the same flower, and in the next 7 empty ch 1 points of Flower 1. [tr, ch 3, tr] in the next empty ch 1 point of Flower 3. sc in the next empty point of Flower 2. [ch 7, sc] in the next 6 points of Flower 2, and in the remaining 2 points of Flower 1. ch 7, and join with sl st in initial sc.
Rnd 2: ch 4 (counts as tr). ch 4, and sl st in 4th ch from hook to form loop, tr in same sc as initial sl st. *[ch 4, sc] in ch 7 space, [ch 4, sc] in sc.** Repeat from * to ** 7 times, [ch 4, sc] in ch 7 space. Skip sc, and skip tr. [ch 4, sc] in ch 3 space. Skip tr, and skip sc. Repeat from * to ** 8 times, [ch 4, sc] in ch 7 space, ch 4, and join with sl st in top of initial ch 4.
Rnd 3: sl st in ch 4 loop, and ch 3 (counts as dc). In same loop work: [2 dc, ch 4 and sl st in 4th ch from hook for loop, 3 dc]. *ch 1. 3 dc in next ch 4 space.** Repeat from * to ** 16 times, ch 1. dc in ch 4 space, in sc, and in ch 4 space. Repeat from * to ** 17 times, ch 1, and join with sl st in top of initial ch 3.
Rnd 4: sl st in dc, and ch 1 (counts as sc), ch 3. Skip dc, and [sc, ch 3, sc] in ch 4 loop. *ch 3. Skip 1 dc, and sc in 1 dc. ch 3. Skip 1 dc and sc in ch 1 space.** Repeat from * to ** 17 times, skip 3 dc, and sc in next ch 1 space. Repeat from * to ** 17 times, ch 3, and join with sl st in initial ch 1.
Fasten off; weave in ends.