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Crochet Lacy Shells Bobble Hat and Scarf

2024-06-23 00:39:51
Crochet Lacy Shells Bobble Hat and Scarf

The Crochet Lacy Shells Bobble Hat and Scarf set is a gorgeous and cozy combination that's perfect for the colder months. The hat features a delicate lacy shell pattern and adorable bobbles that add a touch of whimsy, while the scarf is a longer, flowing companion piece with the same intricate shell design. Together, they make a beautiful set that's sure to keep you warm and stylish from head to toe. The lacy pattern creates a light and airy texture that's perfect for everyday wear, while the bobbles add a playful touch that's sure to make a statement.

Skill Level: Hat: Intermediate

Scarf: Easy

Size: Hat: Teen/Adult – approx. 21” circumference

Scarf: 3.25” wide x 72” long


450 yds. soft worsted wt. yarn (sample shown in Caron “Simply Soft”)

Size H hook, or size to achieve gauge

Tapestry needle

Gauge: 1 shell = 1”, 2 shell rows = 1.5” in soft worsted wt. on size H hook

Terms/Abbreviations: beginning (beg), chain (ch), double crochet (dc), each (ea), half double crochet (hdc), hook (hk), loop (lp), repeat (rep), reverse single crochet (rev sc), skip (sk), slip stitch (sl st), stitch (st), together (tog)

Special stitches:

Shell: (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) all in same st

Bobble: work 4 dc all in same st, remove hook from loop & insert into top of first of the 4 dc just worked, grab dropped loop and pull through dc, ch 1 to close bobble.

Reverse single crochet: Work single crochet, but insert hook in stitch to right of stitch just worked (i.e., moving to the right instead of to left to work next stitch)

Pattern notes: Hat is worked in the round from center top of crown to lower edge. Scarf is worked in two sections from center back neck out to ends, picking up stitches from other side of foundation chain to work second half.


NOTE: Do not turn at end of each round. Join with slip stitch & chain-up to start each new round.

Foundation ring: Ch 4, join into ring with slip st (or use magic disappearing loop

method: wrap yarn around finger, insert hook into ring, yo and pull lp through ring, then begin Rnd 1. After first few rounds have been worked, close ring by pulling on yarn tail.)

Rnd 1: Ch 3, work 11 dc in ring, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3, do not turn on this and all following rnds (12 dc)

Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in same st at base of beg ch, ch 1, work 2 dc in same st (beg shell completed), sk next dc, in next dc work (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc)(shell completed),

*sk next dc, shell in next dc, rep from * 3 times, sk last dc, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3 (6 shells)

Rnd 3 (inc rnd): Sl st to center sp of first shell, ch 3, (dc, ch 1, 2dc) in same sp (beg shell completed), *shell in sp between shells on Rnd 2 (i.e., the shell just worked in and the next shell), shell in ch-1 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending with shell between last & first shells of Rnd 2, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3 (12 shells)

Rnd 4: Sl st to center sp of first shell, ch 3, (dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in same sp (beg shell completed), *shell in next shell, rep from * around, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3 (12 shells)

Rnd 5: Rep Rnd 4 (12 shells)

Rnd 6 (inc rnd): Sl st to center sp of first shell, ch 3, (dc, ch 1, 2dc) in same sp

(beg shell completed), *shell in sp between shells on Rnd 5, (i.e., the shell just worked in and the next shell), shell in ea of next 2 shells, rep from * around, ending last rep with shell in last shell, join with sl st to top of beg ch-3 (18 shells)

Rnds 7-11: Rep Rnd 4 (18 shells)

Rnd 12: Ch 1, sc in ea of 4 dc of first shell, sc in 2nd dc, ch-1 sp & 3rd dc of next shell, *sc in ea of 4 dc of next shell, sc in 2nd dc, ch-1 sp & 3rd dc of next shell, rep from * around, end with sc in last dc of last shell, join with sl st (64 sc)

Rnds 13-14: Ch 1, sc in ea sc around, join with sl st (64 sc)

Rnd 15 (bobble rnd): Ch 2, hdc in next 6 sc, work bobble in next sc, *hdc in next 7 sc, bobble in next sc, rep from * around, join with sl st (8 bobbles, 56 hdc)

Rnd 16: Ch 1, sc in ea hdc & ea bobble around, join with sl st (64 sc)

Rnd 17: Working loosely to allow for stretch, ch 1, reverse sc in ea sc around, join with sl st and fasten off. Weave in tails.


First half:

Foundation row: Ch 13, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in ea ch across, turn (12 sc)

Row 1 (RS): Ch 3, sk first 2 sc, shell in next sc, *sk next 2 sc, shell in next sc, rep from * once, sk next 2 sc, dc in last sc, turn (3 shells with 1 extra st at ea end of row)

Row 2 (WS): Ch 3, *shell in next shell, rep from * twice, dc in last st (i.e., top of turning ch), turn (3 shells)

Rows 3-46: Rep Row 2.


Row 47: Ch 1, sc in ea of 4 dc of ea shell, sc in last st (i.e., top of turning ch), turn (13 sc)

Rows 48-56: Ch 1, sc in ea sc across, turn (13 sc)

Row 57 (RS)(first bobble row): Ch 2, hdc in next sc, bobble in next sc, *hdc in next sc, bobble in next sc, rep from * 3 times, end with hdc in last 2 sc, turn (5 bobbles, 8 hdc)

Row 58 (WS): Ch 1, sc in ea st across, turn (13 sc)

Row 59 (RS): Ch 1, sc in ea sc across, do not turn (13 sc)

Row 60 (RS): Ch 1, reverse sc in ea sc across. Fasten off and weave in tails.

Second half:

Hold piece with foundation ch at top and right side facing you (i.e., the side that shows the front of the bobbles sticking out.) Attach yarn to first st on opposite side of foundation chain.

Preparation row A (RS): Ch 1, sc in ea ch across, turn (12 sc)

Preparation row B (WS): Ch 1, sc in ea sc across, turn (12 sc)

Rep Rows 1-60 of first half of scarf.

2024-06-23 00:39:51
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