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Crochet Polka-Dot Baby Blanket

2024-06-18 09:51:38
Crochet Polka-Dot Baby Blanket

Snuggle up your little one with a Crochet Polka-Dot Baby Blanket! This adorable blanket features soft, chunky yarn and playful polka dots that will bring a smile to any baby's face. The simple, easy-to-follow pattern makes it perfect for beginners, while the result is a cozy, comforting blanket that's sure to become a favorite. With its gentle colors and sweet design, this blanket is the perfect way to keep your baby warm and snug on chilly nights or as a special gift for a little one's nursery.

Skill Level: Easy

RED HEART® Designer Sport™ 3 skeins 3101 Ivory A and 1 skein 3815 Dutch Blue B.

Susan Bates® Crochet Hook: 5mm [US H-8].

Yarn needle.

Blanket measures 30” (76 cm) x 45” (114 cm).

: Hexagon = 4” (10 cm) across. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the specified gauge.


(Make 72)
With B, ch 2.
Round 1: Work 6 hdc in 2nd ch from hook, slip st in first st to join.
Round 2: Ch 1, 2 hdc in each hdc, slip st in first st to join.
Round 3: Repeat Round 2. Fasten off.

Round 4: Join A in any hdc, ch 2 (counts as dc), dc in same st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, ch 1, *2 dc in next st, dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, ch 1; repeat from * around, slip st to top of beginning ch to join.
Round 5: Ch 2 (counts as dc), dc in next 5 sts,*(dc, ch 1, dc) in ch-1 space, dc in next 6 sts; repeat from * around, end (dc, ch 1 dc) in last ch-1 space, slip st to top of beginning ch to join. Fasten off.


Sew 7 Hexagons together along opposite sides to make a 7-Hexagon Strip. Make 6 strips. Sew 6 Hexagons together along opposite sides to make a 6-Hexagon Strip. Make 5 strips. Beginning and ending with a 7-Hexagon Strip, arrange strips to alternate 7-Hexagon Strips with 6-Hexagon Strips, fitting sides together, to make Blanket. Sew Strips together.


With right side facing, join A in any st and sc evenly spaced around all sides, join with a slip st to first st to join. Weave in ends.


Ch= chain; hdc= half double crochet; slipst = slip stitch; st= stitch;
* or **= repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated.

2024-06-18 09:51:38
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