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Crochet Baby Blanket The Polka Dot Puff Pattern:

2022-06-21 14:32:02
Crochet Baby Blanket The Polka Dot Puff Pattern:

Check out the white 3D polka dots on this crochet baby blanket for some unique visual elements! These are white yarn puffs in the shape of white polka dots that create a great statement piece of yarn art! This blanket can wrap itself around any infant to provide winter protection and may also be given as a present to gain more love and respect from your loved ones! Do you want to make your own version of this lovely crochet bobble stitch creation? Simply click here to get the whole lesson and step-by-step instructions.

Materials (sizing of tools specified in link):

  • Yarn
  • Crochet hook
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle
  • Tape measure
2022-06-21 14:32:02
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