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Crochet a Simple Flower

2024-06-01 09:55:00
Crochet a Simple Flower

Crocheting a simple flower allows you to unleash your creativity and personalize your handmade creations. You can mix and match different yarn colors to create vibrant and unique flowers, or opt for a monochromatic look for a more subtle touch. Experiment with various crochet techniques such as changing colors, adding embellishments like beads or buttons, or even incorporating different types of yarn for a textured effect. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crocheter, crafting a simple flower is a fun and rewarding project that can add a special touch to your handmade items.

Crochet Flower Pattern Free

  • ch-chain
  • Sc-single crochet
  • trc – treble crochet


  • Make 4ch with yellow color and close in the ring.

1R. 1 turning ch, crochet 7sc in the ring, slst.

  • Change the thread to a different color.

2R. Make 4ch and crochet 5trc in one stitch of the first row; make 4ch and slst in the same stitch.

  • We got the first petal. Go to the 2nd stitch of the first row, making slst.
  • Make 4ch and crochet 5trc in the same stitch, and make 4ch and slst in the same stitch.
  • So continue to the end of the row. In total, 7 petals are obtained.
  • Crochet one petal from one stitch of the first row. Fix and cut the thread, hide the remaining tip.

Straighten the petals, forming a beautiful flower.

2024-06-01 09:55:00
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