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​Larina Summer Dress

2020-07-17 03:01:10
​Larina Summer Dress
​Larina Summer Dress
​Larina Summer Dress
​Larina Summer Dress

You’ll need:

500; 550; 600g of 100% cotton yarn (165m/50g);

Straight knitting needles 5;

Circle knitting needles 4,5 with short fishing line.

Size: S; M; L.

Used Patterns

Wrong side: is made with knitting needles 5. In RS row – purls, in WS row – knit sts;

Rib: is made with straight knitting needles due to the scheme, on which only RS rows are stated, make WS rows due to the ornament. Repeat 1st-146th rows in height.

Cable: is made with straight knitting needles due to the scheme, on which only RS rows are stated, make WS rows due to the ornament. Repeat 1st-12th rows in height.

Stitches control: 23 sts x 30 rows = 10 x 10 cm.



Cast on 180; 190; 200 sts and start work due to the following description: 1 selvedge st, 35; 40; 45 sts of wrong side pattern, 3 pattern repeats of rib, 35; 40; 45 sts of wrong side pattern, 1 selvedge st.

After 146 rows, you should get 114; 124; 134 sts. Continue: 1 selvedge st, 35; 40; 45 sts of wrong side pattern, 3 pattern repeats of cable, 35; 40; 45 sts of wrong side pattern, 1 selvedge st.

From 60; 59; 58 cm from the 1st row, bind off 3 sts x 1 from both sides in every even row, 2 sts x 2, 1 st x 7. Then, decrease 1 st x 2 in every 4th row. There are 82; 92; 102 sts left.

At 76 cm height, make neck-hole. For this, bind off the central 42; 50; 58 sts. For smooth rounding, bind off 4 sts x 1 in every 2nd row and 1 st x 3.

At 80 cm bind off the rest sts.


Make in the same way, as back, but with deeper neck-hole. For this, bind off the central 26; 34; 42 sts at 67 cm height. For smooth rounding, bind off 5 sts x 1, 3 sts x 1, 2 sts x 1, 1 st x 4 in every 2nd row. Then, 1 stx 3 inevery 4throw.

Knit to the height of back and bind off the rest sts.


Make all the seams.

Lift 132; 136; 140 sts with circle knitting needles 4,5 (= 60; 62; 64 sts on back + 72; 74; 76 sts on front). Make 1 row of purls and bind off all the purls.

Lift 91; 94; 97 sts along each arm-hole. Make 1 row of purls and bind off all the purls.

2020-07-17 03:01:10
Jul 19, 2020 11:19 AM
Love this dress pattern, but it looks like a lot of knitting!
Jul 19, 2020 11:32 AM
It depends on your speed, for me, yes, I'll do it for ages