White Party Summer Dress
You’ll need:
500g of 100% cotton yarn (280m/50g);
Crochet hook 3.
Size: M.
Used Patterns
Main pattern: due to the scheme 1.
Schematic drawings: due to the scheme 3 (a, b, c), scheme 4 (a, b, c). Place them up to your liking.
Fastening: due to the scheme 5.
Ruffles: due to the scheme 2. At 73 cm height from the set-up row, bind off all sts.
Make 120 chain sts and work with the main pattern due to the scheme 1. At 35 cm height from the set-up row, make schematic drawings due to the schemes 3 and 4 and place them up to your liking. At 55 cm height from the set-up row, bind off 1 x 3 dc, 1 x 2 dc, 3 x 1 dc in every row for making arm-holes. At 70 cm height from the set-up row, bind off the central 60 sts for neck-hole and finish both sides separately. At 73 cm height, bind off all sts.
Make shoulder and side seams. For lower part of dress, make 4 ruffles. Make the 1st ruffle along the lower edge of dress, divide all sts tp 8 gussets in width. Make gussets due to the scheme 2. At 13 cm height from the set-up row, bind off all sts. Make the rest ruffles in the same way. Make fastening due to the scheme 5 along neck-hole, arm-holes and bottom of every ruffle.