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Case for Knitting Needles

2020-04-22 01:39:42
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles
Case for Knitting Needles

You'll need:

100% acryl yarn of 2 colors 50 and 30g;

Knitting needles 2;

3 buttons;

Plastic file;





Length of case: 29 cm

Width of case: 19 cm


Cast on 60 sts and make 2 rows with stockinette stitch. Attach another color of yarn in the next row and start making fancy "Crown" pattern. After knitting your work to the needed length, it's necessary to make 2 rows of stockinette stitch in the last row. Then, turn to make backing for your case. The whole wrong side is made with stockinette stitch, without changes as one whole with dark yarn. After you finish knitting, bind off the sts. Cast on 10 sts with another color of yarn and make a "cable": 8 rows with stockinette stitch, 9th row: 4 x 4 crossing, knit as usual, slip 1st st, the last st as purl. Then, 10th row - all purl sts. Then repeat the ornament. The length of "cable" is the same as width of your case (19 cm). Make 2 same "cables".

Sew both sides of your case. Sew "cables" in parallel in the place, where you wind the sts. Don't sew the rest parts, they'll be plackets for inserting needles. Cut inner carcass from plastic file. Insert it and sew the last side. Then, fix the carcass to the case, i.e, sew all the layers of case (right-side, plastic and inner part) together, in angles and middle. Hide the knots inside your case.

Sew buttons in the places of lapping both sides of case. Make button-holes on the opposite side. 

2020-04-22 01:39:42
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