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​Long Knit Gloves

Jan 15, 2020 10:58 PM
​Long Knit Gloves

Medium Size

MATERIALS: Bear Brand or Fleisher’s Machine Washable Win-Sport, 4 ozs.; or
Bear Brand or Fleisher’s Ever-Match Sport and Sweater Yarn, 5 ozs.
“Boye” Sock Needles, 1 set Size 2.

GAUGE: 10 rounds = 1 inch

RIGHT GLOVE—Cuff—Cast on 52 sts, divide on 3 needles, join. Mark end of rounds.

Pattern—Round 1—* K 2, p 2; repeat from * to end.
Round 2—* K 1, yo, k 1, p 2; repeat from * to end.
Round 3—* K 3, p 2; repeat from * to end.
Round 4—* Slip 1, k 2, pass slipped st over 2 k sts, p 2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat last 4 rounds for pat. Work even until about 7½ ins. from beg., end with pat. round 4.
First dec. round—* K 2, p 2 tog.; repeat from * 5 times, work k 2, p 2 pat. to end; 46 sts.
Continue pat. with 1 p st in the first 6 p ribs until about 2 ins. from dec. round, end with pat. round 3.
Next round—Work as for pat. round 4 increasing 1 st in each of first 6 p ribs; 52 sts.
Hand—First inc. round for thumb gore—Work first 28 sts as for first pat. round, place a marker before next st, inc. 1 st in next st, k 1, place 2nd marker before next st, work pat. to end. Work 2 rounds even knitting the 3 sts between markers for thumb. Carry up markers.
2nd inc. round—Work to marker, inc. 1 st in each of next 2 sts, k 1, work pat. to end; 55 sts. Work 2 rounds even, always knitting sts between markers.
3rd inc. round—Work to marker, inc. 1 st in next st, k to within 2 sts of next marker, inc. 1 st in next st, k 1, finish round.
Repeat 3rd inc. round every 3rd round until there are 19 sts between markers, end with first pat. round.
Next round—Work to marker, k 1, slip next 17 sts to holder for thumb, cast on 6 sts, k 1, finish round. Discontinue thumb markers. Work all sts in pat. with 56 sts in first and 4th pat. rounds, until about 2 ins. above cast-on sts of thumb, end with first pat. round. Discontinue pat.
Next round—K 20 for back of hand; slip last 41 sts worked to a strand of yarn for 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers.

First Finger—K next 15 sts, cast on 3 sts for gusset. Divide these 18 sts on 3 needles, join. K around for 2½ ins. decreasing 2 sts evenly spaced on last round; 16 sts.

First dec. round—* K 2 tog., k 2; repeat from * 3 times; 12 sts. K 1 round. K 2 tog. 6 times. Break off leaving an end. Draw end twice through remaining 6 sts, draw up tightly. Fasten off.
Second Finger—Beg. at palm (sts after first finger), slip 7 sts to needle and k, cast on 3 sts for gusset, k 7 sts from other end of thread (back of hand), pick up and k 3 sts on first gusset sts; 20 sts. Divide on 3 needles, join. K around for 2¾ ins.
Next round—K, decreasing 4 sts evenly spaced; 16 sts. Finish as for first finger.
Third Finger—Slip next 6 sts from palm to needle, cast on 2 sts for gusset, k 7 sts from back of hand to another needle, pick up and k 3 sts on gusset sts; 18 sts. Finish as for first finger.
Fourth Finger—Slip remaining 14 sts to 2 needles; pick up and k 2 sts on gusset sts; 16 sts. K even for 1¾ ins. Beg. with first dec. round, finish as for first finger.
Thumb—Slip the 17 sts to 2 needles and k, pick up and k 6 sts on the 6 cast-on sts; 23 sts. K 1 round even.
Next round—K, decreasing 1 st at center of picked up sts. Repeat last 2 rounds twice; 20 sts. Work even until 2¼ ins. above picked up sts, decreasing 4 sts evenly spaced on last round; 16 sts. Finish as for first finger. Steam.

LEFT GLOVE—Work same as right glove to hand.

Hand—First inc. round for thumb gore—Work as for first pat. round to within 4 sts of end of round, place a marker before next st, inc. 1 st in next st, k 1, place 2nd marker before next st, p 2.
Continue to correspond to right glove until about 2 ins. above cast-on sts for thumb, end with first pat. round. Discontinue pat.
Next round—K 6, slip last 15 sts worked to one needle for first finger, place remaining 41 sts on a strand of yarn for 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers. Cast on 3 sts for gusset.
Divide 18 sts on 3 needles. Finish to correspond to right glove.
Jan 16, 2020 09:24 AM
I love these gloves
Jan 16, 2020 09:59 AM
Beautiful pattern
Jan 16, 2020 10:22 AM
I love long gloves
Jan 18, 2020 09:20 AM
Thank you