Knit “Peacock” Cardigan

You’ll need:
500 (600)g of natural-white yarn (50% silk, 50% cotton; 170m/50g);
Knitting needles 3,5;
Circular knitting needles 3.
Size: S (M).
Used Patterns
Wrong-side pattern: in RS row – purls, in WS row – knit sts.
Stockinette stitch: in RS row – knit sts, in WS row – purls.
Peacock pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 18 + 1 + 2 selvage sts. Work due to the scheme, on which only RS rows are stated, make WS rows as sts face, cross knit sts as cross purls, yarn overs as purls. Start with 1 selvage st, pattern repeat, finish with st after pattern repeat and 1 selvage st. Repeat 1st-40th rows.
Stitches control: 25 sts x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Cast on 147 (165) sts and make 1 cm = 2 rows of wrong-side pattern and 2 rows of stockinette stitch. Continue work with peacock pattern. In 67 cm = 188 rows from placket, bind off 1 x 9 (10) sts for shoulder chamfer, then, bind off 1 x 9 (10) sts and 6 x 8 (9) sts in every 2nd row. At the same time, with the beginning of making shoulder chamfer, make 2 sts from the central st of neck-hole, divide work between both these sts and finish both sides separately on 74 (83) sts. In 73 cm = 204 rows from placket, bind off the rest 8 (9) sts of shoulder.
Left Front
Cast on 75 (84) sts and make placket in the same way, as for back. Continue work with peacock pattern, for M size divide sts in the following way: start with 1 selvage st, pattern repeat x 4 times, finish with the first 10 sts of pattern repeat and 1 selvage st. Make shoulder chamfer along right side in the same way, as for back. Bind off the rest 9 (10) sts at the height of back, make 1 x knit2tog and bind off = 8 (9) bound off sts.
Right Front
Make in reflection to left front.
Cast on 75 sts for each sleeve and make placket in the same way, as for back. Continue work with peacock pattern. In 28,5 cm = 80 rows (21,5 cm = 60 rows) from placket, increase 1 x 1 st from both sides for sleeve chamfer, then, bind off 2 x 1 st in every 6th row and 3 x 1 st in every 4th row (11 x 1 st in every 4th row) with stockinette stitch = 87 (99) sts. In 40 cm = 112 rows from placket, bind off all sts.
Make shoulder seams. For left front placket, cast on 200 sts starting from the center of back neck-hole, left half of back neck-hole and edge of left front and make 4 rows of stockinette stitch. Then, bind off all sts as knit sts. Make right half placket in the same way. Sew up the sleeves, make side and sleeve seams.
A gorgeous sweater but size choices are a definite problem.
Thank you! Maybe some of our experienced crafters will help to increase the size