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CrochetKnittingOther hand-madeChat

CraftyLady 1 year ago

Just got results of colon test hurrah no cancer!!!
  • Registered: 5 years ago


El Paso, Texas in Mountain Time Zone
Birth Date:
April 11, 1948
I learned knitting from my mother at age 14. My first project was a sweater to wear across the US to our new home on the east coast from San Francisco. While I was learning I was teaching my home economics teacher how to knit which helped me learn it faster. After learning how to knit I taught myself how to crochet with the use of books and took off making many things knit and crocheted. Now I make many different things in many different crafts. My latest thing is to teach myself needle tatting. I had too much trouble using the shuttle to tat with. I have just designed my granddaughter my first quilt in the colors she and her soon to be husband wedding present. Their choice of colors not mine. I live in El Paso, TX which is in the Mountain Time Zone in USA which is not listed on your choices
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Jun 25, 2021 08:50 AM
Just got results of colon test hurrah no cancer!!!
Jun 14, 2021 02:01 PM
Wanting to see all that I bookmarked so I can start to make samplers from them and learn new stitches