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Elegant Crochet Dress

Oct 03, 2021 11:11 PM
Elegant Crochet Dress
Elegant Crochet Dress
Elegant Crochet Dress
Elegant Crochet Dress
Elegant Crochet Dress

You’ll need:

400g of white Elastico yarn (96% cotton, 4% polyester; 160m/50g);

Crochet hook 3,5.

Size: S.

Used Patterns

Rose-knot: for the 1st rose-knot: make 4 chain sts, circle them in the ring with 1 slip st. Work with circle rows due to the scheme 1. Make all the rest rose-knots in the same way, but make 1 slip st in the marked with arrow places in the previous row.

Relief pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 6 + 1 + 1 chain st increase. Work due to the scheme 2. Start with sts before pattern repeat, pattern repeat, finish with sts after pattern repeat. Make 1st-3rd rows x once, then, repeat 2nd-3rd rows.

Pattern of arches: the quantity of sts is multiple 21 + 1 + 1 chain st increase. Make in the same way, as relief pattern, but due to the scheme 3. Make 1st-7th rows x once, 2nd-7th rows x 3 times, 8th and 9th rows x once = 27 rows.

Festoons pattern: the quantity of sts is multiple 18 + 1 + 1 chain st increase. Make in the same way, as relief pattern, but due to the scheme 4. Make 1st-8th rows x once.

Fringe: 1st row: single crochets;

2nd row: * 1 single crochet, 1 picot, skip 1 single crochet*; repeat from * to *.

Stitches control: relief pattern: 22 sts x 12 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Pattern of arches: 18 sts x 10,5 rows = 10 x 10 cm;

Rose-knot = 7 x 7 cm;

Festoons pattern: 18 sts x 8 rows = 10 x 9,5 cm.



Make 12 rose-knots and connect them in the rectangular due to the pattern design (2 x 6 rose-knots). For upper part, fasten the upper edge of rectangular due to the scheme 1, start at arrow A. Then, make 1 row of single crochets = 73 sts. Then, work with relief pattern, increase 18 sts in the 1st row = 91 sts. For side chamfers, increase 6 x 1 st in every row from both sides, starting from relief pattern = 103 sts. In 6 cm = 7 rows from the beginning of relief pattern, leave 6 sts from both sides for arm-holes and 3 x 2 sts in every 2nd row = 79 sts. In 22 cm = 26 rows from the beginning of relief pattern, leave the central 41 sts and finish both sides separately. For smooth rounding, bind off 1 x 3 sts and 1 x 2 sts in every 2nd row from inwards. In 26 cm = 31 rows from relief pattern, finish your work. For lower part, fasten the lower edge of rectangular in the same way, as upper edge with relief pattern = 91 sts. For widening, increase 8 x 1 st in every 2nd row from both sides = 107 sts. In 15 cm = 18 rows from the beginning of relief pattern, make 1 row of single crochets, decrease 1 st = 106 sts. Then, work with pattern of arches. In 26 cm = 27 rows from the beginning of pattern of arches, work with festoons pattern on 127 sts. In 9,5 cm = 8 rows, finish your work.


Make in the same way, as back, but with deeper neck-hole. For this, in 15 cm = 18 rows from the beginning of relief pattern, leave the central 15 sts and 6 x 3 sts in every 2nd row.


Make shoulder and side seams, fasten neck-hole and arm-holes with 2 rows of fringe.

Oct 04, 2021 11:27 AM

Very interesting design of dress

Oct 04, 2021 10:14 PM

Thank you!

Oct 04, 2021 05:13 PM

This is so beautiful.  Don't know if I would take this one on.  

again stunning!

Oct 04, 2021 10:14 PM

Thank you so much!
