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Knit Flowers Stitch

Feb 08, 2021 11:56 PM
Knit Flowers Stitch

The quantity of sts is multiple 6 sts + 1.

Flower edging

Row 1 - Wrong Side: Knit 1, * (knit the next stitch wrapping the yarn 3 times around the needle) 5 times, kint 1; repeat from * to end.

Row 2 - Right Side: Purl 1, * flower stitch, purl 1; repeat from * to end.

Row 3 - Wrong Side: Knit all sts.


Knit 8 rows (or 10 rows) stockinette stitch (knit the RS row, purl the WS row)

Row 1 - Right Side: Knit all sts.

Row 2: Knit 1, * (knit the next stitch wrapping the yarn 3 times around the needle) 5 times, knit 1; repeat from * to end.

Row 3: Purl 1, * flower stitch, purl 1; repeat from * to end.

Row 4: Knit all sts.

Repeat pattern until you have reached your desired length.

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