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Helping our users. ​Cable Vest with Pockets.

Nov 17, 2020 03:41 AM
Helping our users. ​Cable Vest with Pockets.
Helping our users. ​Cable Vest with Pockets.
Helping our users. ​Cable Vest with Pockets.

You’ll need:

8 10, 11 balls of Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick Yarn: Fisherman;

Knitting needles 13;

Stitch markers;

Cable needles (set of 2);

Stitch holders;

Large-eye blunt needles (set of 6).

Size: XS/S (M/L, 1X/2X)

Finished Bust: 41 (49, 56)";

Finished Hip: 49 (56, 63)";

Finished Length: 33 (34, 35)".

Stitches control: 9 sts + 16 rows = about 4" in seed st with larger needles;

16 sts = about 4" in wandering cable with larger needles.

Special Stitches

kfb (knit in front and back) Knit next st without removing it from left needle, then k through back of same st - 1 st increased.

6-st RPC (6-st Right Purl Cross) Sl 4 sts to cable needle and hold to back of work, k2, sl the 2 purl sts from cable needle back to left-hand needle and purl them, then k2 from cable needle.

6-st LPC (6-st Left Purl Cross)Sl 4 sts to cable needle and hold to front of work, k2, sl the 2 purl sts from cable needle back to left-hand needle and purl them, then k2 from cable needle.

Used Patterns

K2, p2 Rib (multiple of 4 sts + 2 additional sts)

Row 1 (WS): K2, *p2, k2; rep from * to end of row.

Row 2: K the knit sts and p the purl sts.

Rep last 2 rows for K2, p2 Rib.

Seed St (multiple of 2 sts): Row 1 (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to end of row.

Row 2: K the purl sts and p the knit sts.

Rep Row 2 for Seed st.

Wandering Cable (multiple of 12 sts + 2 additional sts)

Row 1 (RS): P2, *k2, p2; rep from * to end of row.

Row 2 and all WS Rows: K2, *p2, k2; rep from * to end of row.

Row 3: P2, *6-st RPC, p2, k2, p2; rep from * to end of row.

Rows 5-8: Rep Rows 1 and 2 twice.

Row 9: P2,*k2, p2, 6-st LPC, p2; rep from * to end of row.

Rows 11 and 12: Rep Rows 1 and 2.

Rep Rows 1-12 for Wandering Cable.


Topper is worked in 3 pieces: Back, Left Front, and Right Front. Each piece is worked from lower edge upwards.

Pocket Linings are worked separately and joined as Fronts are worked.



With smaller needles, cast on 66 (74, 82) sts. Beg with a WS row, work in K2, p2 Rib until piece measures 6 in. (15 cm) from beg, end with a WS row. Note: End with a WS row means that the last row you work should be a WS row, and the next row that you are ready to work will be a RS row.

Begin Cable Pattern

Change to larger needles.

Row 1: Set-Up Row (RS): (K1, p1) 10 (12, 14) times for Seed st section, place marker (pm), work Row 1 of

Wandering Cable over next 26 sts, pm, (k1, p1) 10 (12, 14) times for Seed st section.

Rows 2-16: Work in Seed st to marker, slip marker (sm), work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 17 Decrease Row (RS): K2tog, work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to last 2 sts, k2tog -64 (72, 80) sts.

Rows 18-65: Rep Rows 2-17 three more times - 58 (66, 74) sts.

Row 66: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Rep last row until piece measures about 24" (61 cm) from beg.

Place a marker at each end of last row for armhole.

Rep last row until piece measures 8 (9, 10)" (20.5 (23, 25.5) cm) from armhole markers, end with a WS row.

Shape Shoulders

Next 2 Rows: Bind off 7 (9, 10) sts, work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row - 44 (48, 54) sts.

Next 2 Rows: Bind off 8 (9, 11) sts, work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row - 28 (30, 32) sts.

Bind off.

Pocket Linings

Make 2.

With larger needle, cast on 16 sts.

Work in Seed st until piece measures 8" (20.5 cm) from beg.

Sl sts to a holder.

Left Front

With smaller needles, cast on 34 (38, 42) sts.

Beg with a WS row, work in K2, p2 Rib until piece measures 6" (15 cm) from beg, end with a WS row.

Begin Cable Pattern

Change to larger needles.

Row 1 (RS): (K1, p1) 4 (5, 6) times for Seed st, place marker (pm), p2, k2, work Row 1 of Wandering Cable over next 14 sts, k2, p2, pm, (k1, p1) 2 (3, 4) times for Seed st.

Row 2: Work in Seed st to marker, slip marker (sm), k2, p2, work next row of Wandering Cable to 4 sts before next marker, p2, k2, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 3: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, p2, k2, work next row of Wandering Cable to 4 sts before next marker, k2, p2, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 4: Rep Row 2.

Rows 5-16: Rep Rows 3 and 4 six times.

Row 17 (Decrease Row) (RS): K2tog, work in Seed st to marker, sm, p2, k2, work next row of Wandering Cable to 4 sts before next marker, k2, p2, sm, work in Seed st to end of row 33 (37, 41) sts.

Rows 18-27: Rep Rows 2 and 3 five times.

Row 28 (WS): Rep Row 2.


Rows 29-32: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, k the knit sts and p the purl sts to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Join Pocket Lining

Row 33 (RS): Removing markers as you go, k2tog, work in Seed st to marker, bind off the 22 sts between markers in rib pattern, work in Seed st to end of row - 6 (8, 10) sts before and 4 (6, 8) sts after bound off sts.

Row 34 (WS): Work in Seed st over first 4 (6, 8) sts, continue in Seed st over 16 sts of one Pocket Lining, work in Seed st over rem 6 (8, 10) sts - 26 (30, 34) sts.

Rows 35-48: Work even in Seed st.

Row 49 (Decrease Row) (RS): K2tog, work in Seed st to end of row - 25 (29, 33) sts.

Begin Cable Pattern

Row 50 (WS): Work in Seed st over first 6 (8, 10) sts, pm, (kfb, p2) 3 times, kfb, pm, work in Seed st to end of row - 14 sts between markers.

Row 51: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work Row 1 of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Rows 52-64: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 65 (Decrease Row) (RS): K2tog, work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row - 28 (32, 36) sts.

Rows 66-85: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row, placing a marker at the end of Row 74 for armhole.

Row 86 (Decrease Row) (WS): Work in Seed st to marker, remove marker, k2tog, (k2, k2tog) 3 times, remove marker, work in Seed st to end of row - 24 (28, 32) sts.

Work even in Seed st until piece measures 30 (31, 32)" (76 (78.5, 81.5) cm) from beg, end with a RS row.

Shape Neck

Next Row (WS): Bind off 7 (8, 9) sts, work in Seed st to end of row - 17 (20, 23) sts.

Work even in Seed st for 1 row.

Next Row (WS): K2tog, work in Seed st to end of row - 16 (19, 22) sts.

Rep last 2 rows - 15 (18, 21) sts.

Work even in Seed st until piece measures same as Back to shoulder, end with a WS row.

Shape Shoulder Next Row (RS): Bind off 7 (9, 10) sts, work in Seed st to end of row - 8 (9, 11) sts.

Work even in Seed st for 1 row.

Bind off all sts.

Right Front

With smaller needles, cast on 34 (38, 42) sts.

Beg with a WS row, work in K2, p2 Rib until piece measures 6" (15 cm) from beg, end with a WS row.

Begin Cable Pattern

Change to larger needles.

Row 1 (RS): (K1, p1) 2 (3, 4) times for Seed st, place marker (pm), p2, k2, work Row 1 of Wandering Cable over next 14 sts, k2, p2, pm, (k1, p1) 4 (5, 6) times for Seed st.

Row 2: Work in Seed st to marker, slip marker (sm), k2, p2, work next row of Wandering Cable to 4 sts before next marker, p2, k2, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 3: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, p2, k2, work next row of Wandering Cable to 4 sts before next marker, k2, p2, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 4: Rep Row 2.

Rows 5-16: Rep Row 3 and 4 six times.

Row 17 (Decrease Row) (RS): Work in Seed st to marker, sm, p2, k2, work next row of Wandering Cable to 4 sts before next marker, k2, p2, sm, work in Seed st to last 2 sts, k2tog 33 (37, 41) sts.

Rows 18-27: Rep Rows 2 and 3 five times.

Row 28 (WS): Rep Row 2.

Pocket Front
Rows 29-32: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, k the knit sts and p the purl sts to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Join Pocket Lining

Row 33 (RS): Removing markers as you go, work in Seed st to marker, bind off the 22 sts between markers in rib pattern, work in Seed st to last 2 sts, k2tog - 4 (6, 8) sts before and 6 (8, 10) sts after bound off sts.

Row 34 (WS): Work in Seed st over first 6 (8, 10) sts, continue in Seed st over 16 sts of one Pocket Lining, work in Seed st over rem 4 (6, 8) sts - 26 (30, 34) sts.

Rows 35-48: Work even in Seed st.

Row 49 (Decrease Row) (RS): Work in Seed st over first 6 (8, 10) sts, pm, work in Seed st over next 10 sts, pm, work in Seed st to last 2 sts, k2tog - 25 (29, 33) sts.

Begin Cable Pattern

Row 50 (WS): Work in Seed st to marker, sm, (kfb, p2) 3 times, kfb, sm, work in Seed st to end of row - 14 sts between markers.

Row 51: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work Row 1 of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Rows 52-64: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Row 65 (Decrease Row) (RS): Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to last 2 sts, k2tog - 28 (32, 36) sts.

Rows 66-85: Work in Seed st to marker, sm, work next row of Wandering Cable to next marker, sm, work in Seed st to end of row.

Place marker at end of Row 74 for armhole.

Row 86 (Decrease Row) (WS): Work in Seed st to marker, remove marker, k2tog, (k2, k2tog) 3 times, remove marker, work in Seed st to end of row - 24 (28, 32) sts.

Work even in Seed st until piece measures 30 (31, 32)" (76 (78.5, 81.5) cm) from beg, end with a WS row.

Shape Neck

Next Row (RS): Bind off 7 (8, 9) sts, work in Seed st to end of row - 17 (20, 23) sts.

Work even in Seed st for 1 row.

Next Row (RS): K2tog, work in Seed st to end of row - 16 (19, 22) sts.

Rep last 2 rows - 15 (18, 21) sts.

Work even in Seed st until piece measures same as Back to shoulder, end with a RS row.

Shape Shoulder

Next Row (WS): Bind off 7 (9, 10) sts, work in Seed st to end of row - 8 (9, 11) sts.

Work even in Seed st for 1 row.

Bind off all sts.


Sew shoulder seams.

Neck Edging

Row 1 (RS): From RS with smaller needles, beg at right front corner of neck edge, pick up and k12 (13, 14) sts evenly spaced across right front neck edge to shoulder seam, 20 (22, 24) sts across back neck, and 12 (13, 14) sts across left front neck edge - 44 (48, 52) sts.

Row 2: Knit.

Rows 3 and 4: Purl.

Rows 5 and 6: Knit.

Bind off as if to purl.

Right Front Band

Row 1 (RS): From RS with smaller needles, beg at lower corner of right front, pick up and k76 (78, 80) sts evenly spaced across right front edge.

Rep Rows 2-6 of Neck Edging.

Bind off as if to purl.

Left Front Band

Row 1 (RS): From RS with smaller needles, beg at top corner of left front, pick up and k76 (78, 80) sts evenly spaced across left front edge.

Rep Rows 2-6 of Neck Edging.

Bind off as if to purl.

Armhole Bands

Row 1 (RS): From RS with smaller needles, pick up and k40 (45, 50) sts evenly spaced along one armhole, between front and back armhole markers.

Rep Rows 2-6 of Neck Edging.

Bind off as if to purl.

Rep on opposite armhole.

Sew side seams, including edges of armhole bands. Sew Pocket Linings to WS of fronts.

Weave in ends.

1 comment
Nov 17, 2020 10:23 AM

I like the sweater vest I trying to understand the  pattern a little confused on the cable your terminology is a little bit different that I'm used to and I've been eating a long time but I'm trying to understand it because there's a lot of things missing in the pattern that I don't understand
