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​Velvet Belt-Bag

Jun 03, 2020 10:30 PM
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag
​Velvet Belt-Bag

You’ll need:

Velvet fabric;

Zipper 32 cm long;

Piece of leather or eco-leather;

Interlining decauville and volume fleece P120/P140 (both Freudenberg);



Measuring tape;

Dividing rule;



Carpenter’s glue;

Safety pin;


Bias tape;

Button stud.


Prepare the part of the bag, A (size 25x15 cm) and stitch pattern F.

Draw details:

In size 5 x 32 cm;

With a size of 2 x 32 cm;

D measuring 5 x 32 cm;

E measuring 6 x 16 cm.

On parts B, C, D, and E, mark the middle.

Cut out the details from velvet with allowances of 1 cm: A - 2x, C - 2x, D - 1x.

Parts B and F are just templates. Uncover details E, see step 7.

And (the front part of the bag) with the wrong side pin to volumenfliz. Volumeflyz cut along the part.

To fix volumeflise, grind with the front part along the slices at a distance of 5 mm.

Pin the stitches pattern F from the front and sew the stitch according to the pattern. Flip the pattern and repeat the stitch in mirror image.

Remove the pattern and repeat the stitch two times on one side and the other with an interval of 1 cm.

Draw the loops of bag E on velvet and cut out with 2 cm allowances. Chip the part with cotton cloth with the front side to the front side.

Lay a line along the drawn lines, leaving on one side an open seam section of approx. 5 cm for eversion.

Cut the seam allowances to a width of 5 mm, cut corners obliquely. Unfasten the loops, straighten the corners.

Pin the loops of the bag to the back of the bag (to the part A from velvet) and sew along the long sides.

Pin the back of the bag to the cotton fabric with the wrong side to the wrong side and stitch it at a distance of 5 mm for fixing.

Cut the cotton lining around the part.

Stitch the zipper to the edge between the two parts C, turning one longitudinal section on each part. In this case, template B should be used as a lining.

From piece of cotton fabric, cut part C twice with allowances of 1 cm cuts. On each part, press one longitudinal section on the wrong side by 1 cm and sew manually on the wrong side of parts C with a zipper fastened. Align the outer sections for fixation with a stitch at a distance of 5 mm.

Stitch part D with part B (= two parts C with a zipper, see steps 13-14) face to face at a distance of 1 cm into the ring.

Cut part D from cotton fabric with 1 cm allowances. Iron the part allowances along short cuts on the seamy side and sew the seamy side manually on the seamy side of part D from velvet. Grind longitudinal sections to fix at a distance of 5 mm.

Pin the front and back parts of the bag to the ring with the zipper open, the front side to the front side and stitch at a distance of 1 cm.

Overlap seam allowances with a slanting hem. To do this, pin the stitch and grind it to the edge.

To loosen the belt, cut out a piece of leather with a size of 3 x 13 cm. Slice the longitudinal sections one by one to the wrong side and glue them.

Fold the ends of the leather tape and grind it to the edge to make a belt loops.

From the dekovil, cut out a part for a belt 3.5 cm wide of the desired length (here 100 cm), iron to the skin and cut the belt out of the leather with allowances for cuts 1 cm wide.

Put a belt on a piece of leather with the wrong side to the wrong side and sew along the perimeter to the edge.

Carefully cut off protruding skin.

At one end of the finished belt, use hole punching pliers to make holes with an arbitrary interval.

Carefully cut holes in the belt with scissors for approx. 1-2 mm (the size of the holster button).

Put on the belt loops (see step 21) on the belt. At the other end of the belt, punch a hole for the fastener and screw the holster button into it.

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