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​Fabric Triangles Necklace

Mar 20, 2020 12:58 AM
​Fabric Triangles Necklace

You'll need:

Coats & Clark Phoomph fabric interfacing
Simplicity Quilt Template
Mod Podge
Plaid Podgeable Shapes
Plaid Podgeable Papers
Jump rings
Sewing machine
Hole punch
Eyelet setter
Paint brush


Using the Simplicity template, cut out two pieces of fabric and two pieces of interfacing.

Sew 2 triangle fabric pieces, right sides together, leaving a 1" opening for turning. Turn right side out.

Stick the 2 triangle interface pieces together and insert into the fabric triangle. Fold raw edges over and glue shut.

Punch a hole in the top of the triangle and insert an eyelet into it. Set the eyelet.

Repeat steps 1 - 4 until you have as many triangle pieces as you'd like.

Mod podge three clear mod podge shapes with paper. Spread Mod Podge on the back of the shape and the front of the paper, then press them together. Add more Mod Podge to the back of the paper to seal it. Let dry.

Cut two pieces of chain, one slightly longer than the other. On the shorter chain, attach triangle pieces using jump rings.

Cut longer piece of chain in half again. Use jump rings to connect four charms together, and then to each side of the chain. Attach the Mod Podge pendants to the jump rings with another jump ring.

Attach the 2 chains to clasp.
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