Tassel Earrings

You'll need:
3 skeins of embroidery floss
Jump rings
Earring wires
Needle nose pliers
Coral Tassel Earrings
Use your pliers to open up one of the jump rings. Loop it through the top loop of your embroidery skein. Then slide the hoop at the bottom of your earwire onto the jump ring. Use the needle nose pliers to close the jump ring. Twist the jump ring around so that you hide the small gap in the jump ring behind the embroidery floss.
Cut a piece from one of the other skeins of embroidery floss. Use the thread to tie a knot around the top of the skein of embroidery floss that you attached to the earring wire. Make sure you tie your knot on the back side of your tassel earring. Trim off the ends of your knot. Do this each time you tie a knot.
At the bottom of your tassel earring the floss with still be looped. Cut through the loop so that the floss is all separated.
Divide the floss hanging from your earring into two parts. Using more string from the other skein, tie a knot in each part, about ½ an inch from the knot you tied in the top.
Now divide the floss into three parts. Tie a knot in each part, about ½ an inch from the two knots above.
Divide the floss into two parts. Tie a knot in each part, about ½ an inch from the three knots above.
Join the floss back together into one part. Tie a knot around it, about ½ an inch from the two knots above.
Trim the excess hanging embroidery floss to your desired length.
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