Tabletop Christmas Tree Ornament
Christmas is here, time for fun and cheer. One of the things, among many others that is fascinating about this season is decorations. The lights, buntings, wallpapers, trees, Yes, trees. Trees are one of the essentials for Christmas, trees of different sizes. Here's a cute tabletop Christmas tree. It is very beautiful and easy to make. It doesn't require stuffing as it is made with a hollow material. Jump on the link below, let's bless your furnitures with the spirit of Christmas. Materials needed: ...

Dec 24, 2022 08:20 AM
Gorgeous Christmas Tree Earrings
It's the season of Christmas. Most families have Christmas trees mounted in their houses already. Christmas trees are one of the important elements of Christmas. How would you feel going around with an element of Christmas? Amazing right, I thought as much. Here's a beautiful Christmas tree earring to spread the spirit of Christmas. It's simple to make and with a few materials too. Jump on the link and make a lot of these. Don't forget to add it to your gift list for females. Materials needed : Appr...

Dec 23, 2022 07:51 AM