Other hand-made
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Toy Bone for a Dog
You'll need: A piece of upholstery fabric; Drawing paper; 4” circle lid or plastic bottle; Sewing machine; Stuffing; Pins; Ruler; Pencil; Scissors; Thread. Instructions Fold a large piece of drawing paper in half, on the folded line draw half a dog bone. With the sides being 3” tall, 5” width between the two lines and trace a 4” circle lid (or water bottle or whatever) onto the top sides of the bone. Cut out the bone shape and open it up. Turn your fabric inside out and fold in half. Trac...
Owl Beads Brooch
You'll need: CZ small beads of different shades; 2 white beads (rivoli); Piece of leather; Monofibre; Ruler; Pencil; Fastener; Glue; Cardboard. Instructions When the materials are all ready, you can start making the owl. First, braid the rivoli. Make a ring of thirty beads. Then make two more rows using silver beads. Now you can insert the rivoli, and then turn them on the wrong side and weave two rows of the same beads. Wind the second rivoli exactly in the same way. Sew the blanks to the ...
Kanzashi Rose
You'll need: 2 colours of satin ribbon 5 cm wide (green and red or pink); Glue gun; Needle; Thread; Scissors; Lighter. Instructions At this stage, cut 12 cm long rectangles from red ribbon. For one rose, approximately 25 such strips are required. To make a petal, take one rectangle with the wrong side facing you, lower the upper right corner down, forming a triangle from the corner. Then take a needle with a thread and starting from the corner, sweep along the lower edge to about the middle of...
Harley Quinn
Does anyone have a crochet pattern for Harley Quinn or superman or super hero's dolls stockings that look like these? Thank you in advance or just reading this.
Luxurious Hair Comb with Beads
You'll need: Small beads of different shape and size; Big beads; Thin wire; Thin satin ribbons; Hair comb; Scissors; Pliers. Instructions First of all, begin to weave and create twigs. Take a piece of wire 50 cm long, and in the center dial a large bead. On the ends on the right and on the left side, collect 3 identical beads. Then the ends should be intertwined with each other at a distance of 5 cm, so that you get a stalk. After that, begin to form the next branch. Take one edge of the wire ...
Nice Dahlia From Satin Ribbons
You'll need: Satin ribbon 2,5 and 1,2 cm wide; Scissors; Tweezers; Glue; Ruler; Candle; Piece of felt. Instructions At this step, blanks for petals are made from satin ribbon. Rectangles 7 cm long are cut from a ribbon 2.5 cm wide, and rectangles 5 cm wide are cut from another. 27 to 30 pieces are required to be prepared for one flower. large rectangles and 16-20 pcs. small ones. Take one of the rectangles with the wrong side facing you, mentally divide it into three equal parts. Next, bend t...
Necklace with Metal Rings
You'll need: 2 wire frame open circle large double hole - Antique Gold; 1 wire frame open circle large double hole - Antique Copper; 1 metal bead faceted elongated drop - Antique Copper; 1 jumpring 9mm textured circle - Antique Copper; 1 toggle ring small hammered - Antique Copper; 1 toggle bar small hammered - Antique Copper; 10 jumprings small - Antique Gold; 16” small hammered flat cable chain - Antique Copper; 2 pair needle nose pliers. Instructions Using both pair of needle nose pliers,...
Necklace with Sparkling Shell
You'll need: Shells; Bail; Glue E6000 ; 24g wire; Chain: Lobster clasp; 6mm or 4mm jumprings; Swarovski flatbacks; Nail polish; Wire cutters; Roundnose pliers. Instructions Paint your shell. For a “dipped” look, brush the paint up just one side of the shell. Layer colors and metallic, making sure you let each coat dry in between painting! Finish by adding a glitter topcoat. Let the shells fully dry. Add the gems. Use the E6000 and place small dots of the glue off-center on the she...
"Crazy" Patchwork Technique
Starting to make the basis of your work from shreds of different sizes, shapes, textures, colors, it is difficult to guess what the final result will be. Therefore, it is preferable to add the pieces of matter in a certain order. Only then start their docking. They can dock on the wrong side of your work, but with a wide variety of shapes of the workpieces, you can overlap them one on the other and hem them on the front side with a zigzag line. Having collected the required size of the patchwork cloth, i...
Watercolor Beaded Necklace
You'll need: Small beads of three different shades; Fishing line; Clasps. Instructions At first, make two bead strands of the same color, leaving a distance for fixing on each side on both sides. Fix the beads with knots so that the beads do not move along the fishing line. Tie one side of the bead threads into a single knot, while doing a braid weave. Tie the second side with a knot after the end of weaving. To fasten loops on each of the main nodes.
Watercolour Patchwork Technique
Schemes for performing work in the "watercolor technique" are quite difficult, although canvases made of squares of equal size are performed. The principle of creating ornament: Take fabrics with floral patterns. This style is characterized by the fact that fabrics of different colors with the same pattern can be used for sewing a blanket, carpet and other large rectangular things. Mostly the assembly of the product starts from the lower left corner. More often, tone transitions are used from light to...
Long Beads Earrings
You'll need: #34712139 Silver Crimp Beads (1 pk); #2950509 4mm Open Jump Rings – Stainless (1 pk); #29505305 Kidney Ear Wire – Stainless (1 pk); #57500122 4mm Fuchsia Swarovski Bicones (1 pk); #57500251 4mm Vitral Medium Swarovski Bicones (1 pk); #57501151 6mm Vitral Medium Swarovski Bicones (1 pk); #3202002 7-Strand .3mm beading wire (1 pk). Instructions Cut a 10” length of beading wire. String on one crimp bead, one 6mm vitral bicone, one crimp. bead, one 6mm vitral bicone, one crimp bead, ...
Flame Chevron Knit Stitch
Knitted in a multiple of 7 sts + 4 and 24-row repeat. Row 1 and all wrong side rows: Purl all sts. Row 2 - right side: K3, * ssk, k5, yo; repeat from * to last st, k1. Row 4: K3, * ssk, k4, yo, k1; repeat from * to last st, k1. Row 6: K3, * ssk, k3, yo, k2; repeat from * to last st, k1. Row 8: K3, * ssk, k2, yo, k3; repeat from * to last st, k1. Row 10: K3, * ssk, k1, yo, k4; repeat from * to last st, k1. Row 12: K3, * ssk, yo, k5; repeat from * to last st, k1. Row 14: K1, * yo, k5, k2tog; repeat f...
Fluorescent Liquid
This is the safest recepy of fluorescent liquid for huge containers. For example, you can take a bath, using vitamin B. Run a bath, but pay attention, that the volume of water shouldn't increase 15 litres. Add 15 ampules of liquid vitamin B. Light the bathroom with fluorescent lamp in order to activate vitamin B. Except the water from your mouth.
Denim Jumper Dress
You'll need: 2 yards corduroy; 2 Large Buttons; Matching thread. Instructions First, create your pattern pieces. Use a tank dress or tank to create your pattern. Refer to the illustration below to see which pattern pieces you’ll need and how to measure. Once your pattern pieces are drawn out and cut, lay them on top of your fabric and use them as a guide to cut your fabric. Step 1. Take your DRESS FRONT and LINING FRONT and match them up with right sides of the fabric together. Pin in place, a...