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​Multicolored Crochet Dress

2020-10-25 02:08:54
​Multicolored Crochet Dress
​Multicolored Crochet Dress

You’ll need:

200 (250) 250g of pink and red Goby yarn (63% cotton, 35% viscose; 85m/50g);

250 (300) 300g of the same yarn, but in orange color;

Crochet hook 5.

Size: S (M) L.

Note: work as one-piece cloth from up to down.

Used Patterns

Relief pattern: 1st row: 3 chain sts increase, * 4 chain sts, skip 2 sts of the previous row, 1 single crochet*; repeat from * to *;

2nd row; 3 chain sts increase, 2 chain sts, * 1 double crochet in the next arch of the previous row, 4 chain sts*; repeat from * to *, 1 double crochet, 2 chain sts, 1 slip st in chain st increase.

Make 1st-2nd rows x once.

Stitches control: 15 sts x 8 rows = 10 x 10 cm.


Make 128 (140) 152 sts with red yarn for the bra pattern and circle them in the ring with the help of slip st. Then, make 20 cm of double crochets, start every circle row with 3 chain sts increase instead of the 1st double crochet and finish with 1 slip st in chain st increase (= middle of back). Then, make 1 rows of slip sts with pink yarn, make 12 chain sts above 12 double crochets in the middle of front and 2 rows of relief pattern. Continue work with double crochets, place marker on the 32nd (35th) 38th st of the 1st row. Then, for better fitting, increase 7 x 1 double crochet in every 2nd row from both sides of the marked st = 184 (196) 208 sts. In 20 cm from the second relief stripe, make 2 rows of relief pattern with orange yarn. Then, work with double crochets, place marker on every 46th (49th) 52nd st) and make the same increases = 240 (252) 264 sts. In 20 cm from the third relief stripe, make 2 rows of relief pattern and finish your work. Make 7 chain sts + 3 chain sts increase with red yarn for every strap and make 33 (35) 37cm of double crochets. Sew the straps.

2020-10-25 02:08:54
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