Knit Woolen Wrap
You’ll need:
600g of Alpaca Superlight yarn (alpaca, merino wool, polyamide; 200m/25g) in blue color;
Knitting needles 5.
Length: 80 cm.
Used Patterns
Stockinette stitch: in RS rows – knit sts, in WS rows – purls.
Stitches control: 15 sts x 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Knit in 2 threads of yarn across.
Cast on 240 sts and work with stockinette stitch. In 16 rows, leave the sts. For the fancy roller, cast on 299 sts and work with stockinette stitch. In 12 rows, put these sts to the previously left sts and make 1 st from both knitting needles together as knit st, make every 4th and 5th st of fancy roller with 1 st of back needle together as knit st (= knit3tog) = 240 sts. * Make 15 rows of stockinette stitch and leave the sts. Make the next fancy roller and connect it with the previously left sts in 12 rows *; repeat from * to *. In 47 cm from the set-up row (= 7 pattern repeats), bind off 120 sts from the right edge at the same time with the sts knit together and cast on 120 sts again (= left front). Then, make pattern alternation. In 94 cm from the set-up row (= 14 pattern repeat), bind off all the sts at the same time with sts knit together.