Double-Sided Scarf with Braids

You'll need:
700g of 100% wool yarn (50m/50g);
Knitting needles 5.
Length: 160 cm
Width: 12 cm
Cast on 40 sts.
1st row: * 2 knit sts, 2 purls*; repeat from * to * to end of row.
2nd-4th rows: as the 1st row;
5th row: * 2 knit sts, 2 purls, cross 8 sts, using auxilary needle. Transfer 4 sts to the auxilary needle and leave in front of work. Then, make 2 knit sts, 2 purls. Then, 2 knit sts, 2 purls from the auxilary needl*; repeat from * to * to last 4 sts, 2 knit sts, 2 purls.
6th row: as the 1st row;
Repeat the pattern from 1st to 6th rows until you get the desired length. Bind off the sts of the last row due to the ornament. If you need to change the width of scarf, add 12 sts. This amount of sts will allow you to increase ore decrease the scarf to 1 braid, i.e., 4 cm wide.
I do not know how to knit love crochet that is a beautiful night