Vintage Crochet Suit

You’ll need:
7 (7-8-8) 4-oz. skeins of worsted weight yarn;
Crochet hooks F and G;
8 buttons;
7″ zipper.
Size: S, M, L, XL.
Body Bust Size: 31 1/2″ (32 1/2″-34″; 36″-38″; 40″).
Blocked Bust Size (closed): 32″ (36″-40″-44″).
Stitches control: 4 sc = 1″; 8 rows = 3″.
Used Patterns
Main pattern: Row 1 (right side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc, ch 1). sk first sc, dc in next sc, * ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc, repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3 (right side): Sc in first dc, * sc in next ch-1 sp, sc in next dc, repeat from * across, end sc in ch-3 sp. Turn.
Repeat rows 2 and 3 for pat.
Beg at lower edge of back and fronts with size G hook, ch 125 (141-157-173). Work pat row 1-124 (140-156-172) sc. Check gauge: row should measure 31″ (35″-39″-43″) wide. Work in pat until piece measures 20″ from start or desired length to underarm, end pat row 2. Turn.
Divide Work: Right Front Yoke: (Left-handed crotcheters: This will be your left front yoke.)
Row 1 (right side): Work 28 (32-36-38) sc. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3, sk first 3 sc, dc in next sc, * ch 1, sk next sc. dc in next sc. repeat from * across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in each of 26 (30-34-36) sts. Turn.
Rows 4, 6 and 8: Repeat row 2.
Row 5: Sc in each of 24 (28-32-34} sts. Turn.
Row 7: Sc in each of 22 (26-30-32) sts. Turn.
Row 9: Sc in 20 (24-28-30) sts. Turn.
Next Row: Work pat row 2. Work even in pat until armhole measures about 6″ (6″-6 3/4″-6 3/4″) above first row of armhole shaping, end pat row 3.
Shape Neck: Row 1 (wrong side):Work in pat to within last 6 (6-8-8) sc. Ch l.turn.
Row 2: Sk first dc, * sc in next ch-. sp. sc in next dc. repeat from * across -13 (17-19-21) sc. Turn.
Row 3: Work in pat to within last 3 sc, end ch 1. sk 2 sc, dc in last sc Ch 1. turn.
Row 4: Work in pat across—12 (16-18-20) sc. Work 2 rows even. Ch 1. turn.
Shape Shoulder: Sl st across 6 (8-8-10) sc, ch 2, sk next sc, dc in next sc. * ch 1. sk next sc. dc in next sc, repeat from * across. End off.
Back Yoke
Row 1: Make lp on hook: from right side, sk 6 (6-6-8) sts on last long row for underarm, sc in next dc, and in each st until 56 (64-72-80) sc are made. Turn.
Row 2: Ch 3. sk first 3 sc, dc in next sc. * ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc. repeat from * across to within last 2 sc. do not ch 1. work dc in last sc. Ch 1. turn.
Row 3: Sk first dc, sc in next dc. work in pat across, end sc in last dc, sc in ch-3 lp-52 (60-68-76) sc. Turn.
Repeat last 2 rows 2 (3-3-4) times-44 (48-56-60) sc. Work even until arm-holes measure same as front, end pat row 3.
Shape Shoulder: Sl st across 6 (8-8-10) sc. ch 2, sk next sc, dc in next sc, work in pat to within last 6 (8-8-10) sc. End.
Left Front Yoke
Row 1: Make lp on hook; from right side, sk 6 (6-6-8) sts on last long row for underarm, sc in next dc and in each st across—28 (32-36-38) sc.
Row 2: Work in pat to last 2 sc, do not ch 1, work dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sk first dc, sc in next dc, work in pat across—26 (30-34-36) sc. Repeat last 2 rows 3 times-20 (24-28-30) sc. Work even until armhole measures 6″ (6″-6 3/4 “-6 3/4”) above first row of armhole shaping, end pat row 3.
Shape Neck: Sl st across 6 (6-8-8) sc. work in pat across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Work 13 (17-19-21) sc. Turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, sk 2 sc, dc in next sc. work in pat across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Work in pat across—12 (16-18-20) sc. Work 2 rows even. Turn.
Shape Shoulder: Work in pat to within last 6 (8-8-10) sc. End off.
Belt and Pockets
Beg at upper edge of belt and pockets, with size G hook, ch 117 (133-149-165). Work pat rows 1 and 2-116 (132-148-164) sc. Check gauge; piece should measure 29″ (33″-37″-41″) wide.
Rows 3-7: Sc in each st across. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 8 and 9: Work pat rows 2 and 3.
Divide for Pockets: Row 1 (wrong side): Sc in each of 24 (28-32-36) sc. Ch, 1, turn. Repeat last row until piece measures 9″ from start. End off.
Second Pocket: Join yarn in 24th (28th-32nd-36th) sc from other end on last long row. Work same as first pocket. End off. From right side, work 1 row sc on sides and lower edge of each pocket, working 3 sc in each lower corner; keep work flat.
Block pieces. Sew shoulders, matching sts.
Outer Border: Row 1: From right side, beg at lower right front edge (Left-handed crocheters: Beg at lower left front edge), with size G hook, sc up right front edge to neck, 3 sc in corner, sc around neck edge, holding in to desired fit, 3 sc in corner, sc down left front edge, having same number of sc as right front edge, 3 sc in corner st, sc in each st across lower edge, 3 sc in corner st. Join with sl st in first sc. End off.
Row 2: From wrong side, beg at lower left front edge (Left-handed crocheters: Beg at lower right front edge), sc in each st up left front edge, around neck and down right front edge, work-ing 3 sc in each upper corner and lower right front corner. Ch 1, turn. (Left-handed crocheters: End off. Join yarn at right neck edge.)
With pins, mark position of 7 buttonholes evenly spaced on last row of right front edge; first pin 4 1/2″ above lower edge, 7th pin in 2nd sc from corner inc at neck edge.
Row 3 (buttonhole row): From right side, * work sc to within 1 sc of pin, ch 2, sk 2 sc, repeat from * 6 times, sc in next sc, sc in center corner sc. Ch l.turn.
Row 4: Sc in each sc and ch on right front edge. Drop yarn.
Work 2 rows sc on left front edge. End off.
Row 5: From right side, pick up dropped yarn, sc in each st around outer edge, working 3 sc in each corner. Join with a sl st in first sc. End off.
Armhole Border: Beg at underarm, from right side, work 1 rnd sc around armhole. Join with a sl st in first sc. Ch l,turn.
Rnd 2: From wrong side, sc in each sc around. Join with a sl st in first sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rnd 3: From right side, sc in each sc around. Join with a sl st in first sc. End off.
Pin lower edges of pockets to upper edge of pat row 3 at bottom of vest, front edges of pockets at 2nd dc in from front edges of vest; sew outer edges of pockets in place including pocket borders. Steam-press seams and borders. Sew on buttons.
Left Leg
(Left-handed crocheters: This will be your right leg.) Beg at lower edge, with size G hook, ch 73 (77-81-85). Work in pat on 72 (76-80-84) sc for 3 rows. Work 2 rows sc. Beg with pat row 2, work in pat until piece measures 23″ from start or 7″ less than desired length to crotch, end pat row 2. Check gauge; piece should measure 18″ (19″-20″-21″) wide.
*Back Inc Row: 2 sc in first dc, 2 sc in ch-1 sp, work in pat across—74 (78-82-86) sc. Mark beg of last row for back edge. Work 3 rows even.
Front Inc Row: Work in pat across, end 2 sc in last ch-1 sp, 2 sc in last dc, sc in ch-3 lp-76 (80-84-88) sc. Mark end of last row for front edge. Work 1 row even. Repeat from * twice—84 (88-92-96) sc.
Shape Crotch
Row 1 (right side): Work 80 (84-88-92) sc. Turn.
Row 2: Work in pat to last 4 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Work 76 (80-84-88) sc. Turn.
Row 4: Repeat row 2.
Row 5: Work 66 (70-74-78) sc. Turn.
Row 6: Work in pat to last 2 sc. Ch l,turn.
Row 7: Work 62 (66-70-74) sc. Turn.
Row 8: Repeat row 6. Cut yarn.
Right Leg
Work same as left leg until piece measures 23″ from start, end pat row 2.
*Back Inc Row: Work in pat across, end 2 sc in last ch-1 sp, 2 sc in last dc, sc in ch-3 sp-74 (78-82-86) sc. Mark end of last row for back edge. Work 3 rows even.
Front Inc Row: 2 sc in first dc, 2 sc in ch-1 sp, work in pat across—76 (80-84-88) sc. Mark beg of last row for front edge. Work 1 row even. Repeat from * twice-84 (88-92-96) sc.
Shape Crotch
Row 1 (right side): Sl st across 4 sts (2 dc and 2 ch-1 sps), ch 1, sc in each st across—80 (84-88-92) sc. Turn.
Row 2:Sl st across 4 sc, ch 3, work in pat across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Work 76 (80-84-88) sc. Turn.
Row 4: Repeat row 2.
Row 5: Sl st across 6 sts, ch 1, sc in each st across-66 (70-74-78) sc. Turn.
Row 6: Sl st across 2 sc, ch 3, work in pat across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 7: Sl st across 2 sts, ch 1, sc in each st across-62 (66-70-74) sc.
Row 8: Repeat row 6. Turn.
Join Legs
Sc in each st across right leg, sc in turning ch-3 sp, pull up a lp in 2nd ch of turning ch; from right side, pull up a lp in first dc of left leg, yo hook and through 3 lps on hook, sc across left leg-120 (128-136-144) sc. Work in pat for 3 rows, end wrong side.
Shape Darts
Row 1: Work 28 (30-32-34) sc, (dec 1 sc )twice, (to dec 1 sc, pull up a lp in each of 2 sts, yo hook and through 3 lps on hook), work 56 (60-64-68) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 28 (30-32-34) sc-116 (124-132-140) sc. Work 3 rows even.
Next Row: Work 27 (29-31-33) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 54 (58-62-66) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 27 (29-31-33) sc-112 (120-128-136) sc. Work 3 rows even.
Next Row: Work 26 (28-30-32) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 52 (56-60-64) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 26 (28-30-32) sc-108 (116-124-132) sc. Work 1 row even.
Next Row: Work 25 (27-29-31) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 50 (54-58-62) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 25 (27-29-31) sc-104 (112-120-128) sc. Work 1 row even.
Next Row: Work 24 (26-28-30) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 48 (52-56-60) sc, (dec 1 sc) twice, work 24 (26-28-30) sc-100 (108-116-124) sc. Work even until piece measures 9 1/2″ (10″-10″-10 1/2″) above first row of crotch shaping, end right side.
Row 1: Change to size F hook, ch 1, turn. Sc in each sc across, ch 7 for buttonhole overlap. Turn.
Row 2: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch and sc across, dec 10 sc evenly across-96 (104-112-120) sc. Ch 1,turn.
Row 3: Sc in each sc across.
Rows 4 and 5: Work pat rows 2 and 3.
Row 6: Sc in each sc across. End off.
Block pieces. Sew leg seams. Sew front and back crotch shaping; sew back seam leaving upper 7″ open for zipper. Sew in zipper. Sew button to right back waistband. Ch-1 sp forms buttonhole.
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