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Helping our users. ​Ordinary Beanie Hat.

Oct 29, 2020 02:33 AM
Helping our users. ​Ordinary Beanie Hat.
Helping our users. ​Ordinary Beanie Hat.

You’ll need:

1 skein of any worsted yarn (200m/100g);

Knitting needles 5.


Head circumference: 54 cm;

Length: 24 cm.


Cast on 46 sts. Make 2 rows of knit sts (garter stitch). Then, work in the following way:

1st row: 40 knit sts, there are 6 sts left on the knitting needles, don’t knit these 6 sts;

2nd row (WS): turn, there are 6 sts on the RH needle without knitting;

3rd row: turn, knit 41 sts;

4th row (WS): 41 knit sts;

5th row: knit 42 sts, turn;

6th row (WS): 42 knit sts;

7th row: knit 43 sts,turn;

8th row (WS): 43 knit sts;

9th row: knit 44 sts, turn;

10th row (WS): 44 knit sts;

11throw: knit 45 sts.

There is 1 st left without knitting on the LH needle, twist it – throw yarn to the LH needle after you’ve transferred the last st to the RH needle. Then, return this st to the LH needle, turn.

12th row (WS): 45 knit sts. This is the first gusset.

Continue work, repeat 1st-12th rows, i.e., with shorten rows. There are 14 gussets in the hat in this pictures, i.e., 172 rows, 168 of them – 14 gussets + 2 straight rows from both sides.

Note: at first, tighten the crown, draw the needle with yarn through open sts, bind off then. Then, sewyourhat.

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