Fun With Pom Poms // Lets Make A Cactus...

Seriously! How much fun are pom-poms? It doesn't matter if you're five or eighty two it's something you can make and once you've mastered the basic pom-pom you'll be able to knock this bad boy up in no time.
You're going to need a few things...
- One medium sized green pom-pom
- One small sized pink pom-pom
- One medium sized brown pom-pom
- Scissors
- Glue (I highly recommend using a hot glue gun, much easier and less messy).
- Cardboard egg container (to use one cup section as the cacti's little pot).
- Some Paint (I used gold spray paint).
Firstly cut and trim one egg cup section from the carton. Paint your egg cup container 'Pot' and leave it to dry. It should be dry by the time you have finished cutting your cactus into shape.
Make your three different pom-poms in the colours and sizes needed. (Make sure you leave the tied pom-pom strings through the centre of the pom-poms long, you'll need these to tie your pink and green pom-poms together).
The trickiest part is now cutting your green pom-pom into the cactus shape, use my photo as your guide.
Cut the pink pom-pom into a small neat ball (leaving the two center ties long!).
Using the long centre ties on the green and pink pom-poms, tie your pink pom-pom in place (as in the photo). Make sure it is nice and tight.
Take your brown pom-pom and cut it to size to fit snuggly into your egg container pot. Using your hot glue gun, place some glue in the base and on the inside walls of the egg cup and sit the pom-pom in place before the glue cools. Allow a little of it to pop up so it looks like dirt.
Now using your hot glue gun, glue the cactus pom-pom to the brown pom-pom. You will have to push down a little to make it stick. Allow good amount of time to dry well.
That's it!! Tada... 'A Cactus Pom Pom'.