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​How To Make Shorten Rows

Apr 07, 2020 03:40 AM
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows
​How To Make Shorten Rows

Shorten Rows With Yarn Overs

Knit your work with stockinette stitch until you need to turn your work. After you turn your work to the wrong side, make yarn over and continue knitting to the end of stripe with purls.

In the next right side row knit this yarn over and next st together as knit st.

For making analogical actions, but from the wrong side, you need to go to the stated point, turn your work to the right side, make yarn over, then knit the row with knit sts to the end. Then, when you come to the yarn over again, transfer it to the right-hand needle and turn the next link to the right side and leave on the left-hand needle. Then, return the yarn over to the left-hand needle, insert right-hand needle from back, in order to insert it in the turned over link and yarn over, catching the working yarn, knit with purls.

Shorten Rows With Stitch Winding

As in the previous method, knit your work with stockinette stitch until you need to turn you work. Then, slip knit st and transfer it to the right-hand needle. Throw working yarn behind this st and return it to the previous needle. Turn your work again. You'll get stitch with winding. Throw the yarn one more time and finish the row. Knit one more stripe, catch the st through front from bottom with right-hand needle from right side and make yarn over. This is made on the right side.

In the place, where the turn should be, slip the st on the opposite needle from wrong side. Take the yarn from yourselves and return the link to its place. Turn your work and continue knitting. When you come to the stitch winding, turn it, but before doing this, transfer the yarn over to the right-hand needle. Return the yarn over and insert the right-hand needle through back loop, knitting with purls.

Shorten Rows With Stitch Tension

As in the previous methods, knit your work with stockinette stitch until you need to turn you work. Then, slip the last link as purl, take the yarn behind and string in the way there are 2 half-stitches. Continue working, insert the needle between these 2 half stitches and make 1 knit st.
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